@inproceedings{CTT100697037, author = {A. Laosunthara and S. Tsuno and H. Akatsuka}, title = {Numerical Study on Anisotropic Ion Temperature in Weakly Ionized Plasma Flowing Supersonically along Open Field Line}, booktitle = {Proc. ICAEME and 2nd ACEIAT 2015}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100690857, author = {Ampan Laosunthara and Satoshi Tsuno and Takeshi Nakahagi and Hiroshi Akatsuka}, title = {HYBRID SIMULATION OF WEAKLY-IONIZED RAREFIED ARC-JET FLOWING SUPERSONICALLY ALONG DIVERGING MAGNETIC FIELD}, booktitle = {ICOPS 2015 Abstract Book}, year = 2015, }