@inproceedings{CTT100638500, author = {Y. Ogata and K. Takahashi and H. Kuwabara and M. Nakajima and K. Horioka}, title = {Laser Target using Continuous Supersonic Jet}, booktitle = {NIFS-PROC-90}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100635232, author = {K.Horioka and M.Nakajima and T.Kawamura and K.Takahashi and K.Adachi and Y.Miyazaki and A.Nakayama and S.Ikeda and M.Okamura and K.Kondo and T.Kikuchi}, title = {Beam Dynamics Studies in High-Flux Ion Injectors and during Longitudinal Bunch Compression for High Power Ion Acceleration}, booktitle = {Annual Report Contribution of the High Energy Density Physics Community}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100635234, author = {K.Takahashi and Y.Ogata and M.Nakajima and K.Horioka}, title = {Cluster Formation in Hypersonic Miniature Nozzle}, booktitle = {Annual Report Contribution of the High Energy Density Physics Community}, year = 2012, }