@book{CTT100680118, author = {TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA and TAKASHI INOUE}, title = {Morphology of Polymer Blends}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2014, } @book{CTT100680112, author = {Keiichi Kuboyama and TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {高分子の屈折率・複屈折の波長依存性とその制御}, publisher = {技術情報協会}, year = 2014, } @book{CTT100673060, author = {TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA and MASA-AKI KAKIMOTO and TAKESHI KIKUTANI and MASATOSHI SHIOYA}, title = {身近なモノから理解する高分子の科学}, publisher = {日刊工業新聞社}, year = 2014, } @book{CTT100680104, author = {TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {ポリマーアロイ}, publisher = {共立出版}, year = 2014, } @book{CTT100680092, author = {TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {相分離}, publisher = {NTS}, year = 2014, } @book{CTT100680100, author = {TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {陽電子消滅}, publisher = {NTS}, year = 2014, } @book{CTT100680097, author = {TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {せん断および伸長流動場}, publisher = {NTS}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100680341, author = {Kittisak Jantanasakulwong and Keiichi Kuboyama and TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {Thermoplastic Elastomer by Terpolymer Reactive Blending of Polyamide-6, Ethylene-1-Butene Rubber and Ethylene Ionomer}, journal = {Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100680340, author = {Shigeru Aoyama and Yong Park and Christopher Macosko and TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA and Greg Haugstad}, title = {AFM probing of polymer/nano-filler interfacial adhesion and its correlation with bulk mechanical properties in a poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocomposite}, journal = {Langmuir}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100693784, author = {Keiichi Kuboyama and Eito Ariura and TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {ベンゼン環を有する高分子のガラス状態における応力複屈折発現機構}, booktitle = {講演要旨集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100693776, author = {Yusuke Yoda and Keiichi Kuboyama and TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {ゴム変性ポリアミド6/アルミニウムの接着強度に対 する経時変化と吸湿の影響}, booktitle = {予稿集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100693773, author = {Hisashi Jufuku and Keiichi Kuboyama and TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {高分子ガラスの熱履歴による physical aging挙動の変化}, booktitle = {予稿集}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100680352, author = {TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {ポリマーアロイ界面}, booktitle = {Polymer preprints, Japan}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100680354, author = {TOSHIAKI OUGIZAWA}, title = {Structure and Adhesion in Polymer-Polymer Interface}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, }