@article{CTT100444923, author = {Tomonori Tomiyama and Masatoshi Kubouchi and Ken Tsuda}, title = {Smart Structure for Corrosion Monitoring of Anticorrosion FRP}, journal = {Proc. 3rd CanSmart Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100446843, author = {Taro FUKAYA and Masatoshi KUBOUCHI and Hideki SEMBOKUYA and Ken TSUDA}, title = {Thermal Shock Resistance of Alumina/Rubber Particulates Filled Hybrid Composites}, journal = {Proc. 3rd Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100447007, author = {後藤誠裕 and 酒井哲也 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田健}, title = {A Study on Chemicla Reaction of Filler related to Blister Formation in Particule-filled Composite Materials}, journal = {Proc.25th Sympo.Composite Materials}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100447008, author = {久保内昌敏 and 曹宗煥 and 仙北谷英貴 and 津田健 and 北條英光}, title = {A Kinetic Study on Corrosion of PA Based Blend Polymer}, journal = {Proc.25th Sympo.Composite Materials}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100447181, author = {Masatoshi KUBOUCHI and Hideki SEMBOKUYA and Tetsuya HANDA and Nobuo MITOMO and Ken TSUDA}, title = {Thermal Shock Resistance of Hybrid Particulate-filled Epoxy Composites with Hard and Soft Fillers}, journal = {Advanced Composite Materials}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100447254, author = {井波美千代 and アセップ・ハンダヤ・サプトラ and 久保内昌敏 and 仙北谷英貴 and 津田健 and 新井和吉}, title = {複合材料のサンド・エロージョン損傷におよぼす粒子の充てん効果}, journal = {化学工学会 第65回年会 研究発表講演要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100447257, author = {川田次郎 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田健 and 新井和吉}, title = {スラリーポット型試験機内の流動解析に基づくエロージョン損傷の検討}, journal = {化学工学会 第65回年会 研究発表講演要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100447274, author = {久保内昌敏 and 仙北谷英貴 and 津田健}, title = {化学装置用有機材料の寿命における安心}, journal = {化学工学会 第33回秋季大会 研究発表講演要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100447275, author = {石田容義 and 新井和吉 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田健}, title = {FRPのサンドエロージョンに及ぼすマトリックス樹脂の影響}, journal = {化学工学会 第33回秋季大会 研究発表講演要旨集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100537663, author = {MASATOSHI KUBOUCHI}, title = {Corrosion Mechanism of Polyamide in Sulfuric Acid Solution}, journal = {Zairyo-to-Kankyo}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100537705, author = {酒井哲也 and 大野 茂 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健 and 北條英光}, title = {Corrosion behavior of isophthalic type unsaturated polyester resin in acidic solutions.}, journal = {J. Material Science of Japan}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100537711, author = {久保内昌敏 and 仙北谷英貴 and 山本秀朗 and 新井和吉 and 津田 健}, title = {Evaluation Method of Thermal Shock Resistance of Epoxy Resin Based on Fracture Mechanics}, journal = {J. Soc. Mater. Sci. Japan}, year = 2000, }