@article{CTT100538999, author = {枡田吉弘 and 久保内昌敏 and 仙北谷英貴 and 津田健}, title = {硫酸環境下におけるコンクリート材料にライニングした樹脂の腐食挙動}, journal = {第3回 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100559494, author = {仙北谷英貴 and 高橋隆一郎 and 矢嶋倫明 and MASATOSHI KUBOUCHI and KEN TSUDA}, title = {A Study on Mechanical Properties of Kenaf FRP}, journal = {J. Materials Science Society of Japan}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489066, author = {Hideki Sembokuya and Yoshiyuki Negishi and Masatoshi Kubouchi and Ken Tsuda}, title = {Corrosion Behavior of Epoxy Resin Cured with Different Amount of Hardener in Corrosive Solutions}, journal = {Materials Science Research International}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100483018, author = {仙北谷英貴 and 白石文洋 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {Corrosion Behavior of Epoxy Resin Filled with Ground Resin in Sulfuric Acid Solution}, journal = {J.Soc.Materials Science,Japan}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100559495, author = {Shinichiro Hiramoto and Hideki Sembokuya and Masatoshi Kubouchi and Ken Tsuda}, title = {Degradation nad Penetration Behavior of Thermosetting Resins in Inorganic Acid Solutions}, journal = {J. Materials Scinece Society of Japan}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100559498, author = {Hideki SEMBOKUYA and Masatoshi Kubouchi and KEN TSUDA and Koji Okamura and Hojo}, title = {The Effect of Molecular Weight on Corrosive Degradation of Polyamide in Sulfuric Acid Solution}, journal = {J. Materials Scinece Society of Japan}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100483017, author = {Abastari and Hideki Sembokuya and Masatoshi Kubouchi and Ken Tsuda}, title = {Penetration mechanism of sulfuric acid solution into polyamide 66}, journal = {The Indonesian Scientific Meeting 2003}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100482949, author = {冨山禎仁 and 久保内昌敏 and 仙北谷英貴 and 津田 健}, title = {Performance of the Infrared Transmittable Fiber Sensor Aimed at Detection of Chemical Degradation of Polymeric Materials}, journal = {Reincorced Plastics}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100483020, author = {仙北谷英貴 and 白石文洋 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {Corrosion Behavior of Recycled Epoxy Resin Filled with Ground Resin in Alkaline Environment}, journal = {J.Network Polymer, Japan}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100483021, author = {仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健 and 岡村孝司 and 北條英光}, title = {The Effect of Molecular Weight on Corrosive Degradation of Polyamide in Sulfuric Acid Solution}, journal = {J.Materials Science Soc.Japan}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100538998, author = {仙北谷英貴 and 高橋隆一郎 and 矢嶋倫明 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {ケナフFRPの力学的特性に関する研究}, journal = {材料の科学と工学}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100483019, author = {平元伸一郎 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {Degradation and Penetration Behavior of Thermosetting Resins in Inorganic Acid Solutions}, journal = {J.Materials Science Soc.Japan}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100499813, author = {Kulmatova DILAFRUZ and Masatoshi KUBOUCHI and Dang WEIRONG and Hideki Sembokuya and Ken TUSUDA}, title = {Chemical Recycling Bisphenol A Type Epoxy Resin Based on Degradation in Nitric Acid}, booktitle = {3rd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100492710, author = {Masatoshi KUBOUCHI and Jonghwan CHO and Hideki SEMBOKUYA and Ken TSUDA and Hidemitsu HOJO}, title = {Effect of Dispersed Phase on Corrosion Behavior of Incompatible Polymer Blends}, booktitle = {The SPE Asian Plastics Technology Conference 2003, The Frontier Technology from Asia}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100492714, author = {Tomohiro GOTO and Tomonori TOMIYAMA and Hideki SEMBOKUYA and Masatoshi KUBOUCHI and Ken TSUDA}, title = {A Study on Smart Structure System for the Anti-corrosion FRP}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100492716, author = {Hiroki Kurokawa and Ken TSUDA and Hideki SEMBOKUYA and Masatoshi KUBOUCHI and Nobuhisa SUGITA and Degradation of Unsaturated Polyester Resin under Ammonia Gas and Aqueous Ammonia Environment}, title = {Degradation of Unsaturated Polyester Resin under Ammonia Gas and Aqueous Ammonia Environment}, booktitle = {13th Asian Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, Program & Abstracts}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100499782, author = {矢代顕慎 and 久保内昌敏 and 仙北谷英貴 and 三品文雄 and 須賀雄一 and 宇野祐一 and 田中靖文}, title = {硫酸環境下におけるエポキシ樹脂の防食設計の検討}, booktitle = {第50回材料と環境討論会 講演集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100489073, author = {亀井将弘 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {耐食FRP製化学装置における材料の劣化解析}, booktitle = {48th FRP CON-EX 2003 講演会 講演要旨集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100539001, author = {大島雅文 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {アルミナ粒子の高充てん化によるエポキシ樹脂の耐熱衝撃性の向上の検討}, booktitle = {第53回ネットワークポリマー講演討論会 講演要旨集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100539000, author = {仙北谷英貴 and 八牧孝介 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {硝酸を用いたエポキシ樹脂リサイクル材の特性に及ぼす分解生成物分子量の影響}, booktitle = {第53回ネットワークポリマー講演討論会 講演要旨集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538763, author = {久保内昌敏 and 三品文雄 and 宇野祐一 and 矢代顕慎 and 仙北谷英貴 and 須賀雄一 and 田中靖文}, title = {下水道用防食樹脂の硫酸環境腐食挙動}, booktitle = {第40回下水道研究発表会講演集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538769, author = {冨田宏幸 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {粒子充填ビニルエステル樹脂の腐食劣化挙動}, booktitle = {第10回材料科学若手研究者討論会講演予稿集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538764, author = {久保内昌敏 and 中田幹俊}, title = {化学プラントにおける耐食有機材料の損傷事例}, booktitle = {材料と環境2003講演集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538771, author = {ABASTARI and Ken TSUDA and Masatoshi KUBOUCHI and Hideki SEMBOKUYA}, title = {Permeation Behavior of Sulfric Acid Solution Through Poyamide 66}, booktitle = {平成15年度日本材料科学会学術講演大会ポスターセッション}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538770, author = {片野主税 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {The Effect of Sand Erosion Damage on Residual Strength of Plastics}, booktitle = {平成15年度日本材料科学会学術講演大会ポスターセッション}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538774, author = {矢嶋倫明 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健 and 高橋隆一郎}, title = {ケナフ繊維強化プラスチックの特性評価}, booktitle = {第32回FRPシンポジウム 講演論文集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538773, author = {沖田壮男 and 津田 健 and 久保内昌敏 and 仙北谷英貴 and 片野主税}, title = {FRPの強度および耐食性に及ぼす衝撃の影響}, booktitle = {第32回FRPシンポジウム,講演論文集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538772, author = {平元伸一郎 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {エポキシ樹脂における有機酸・無機酸環境液の侵入機構}, booktitle = {化学工学会 第68年会 研究発表講演要旨集}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100538765, author = {佐伯雄三 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {耐食樹脂ライニング材料の薬液浸透性評価}, booktitle = {化学工学会 第68年会 研究発表講演要旨集}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100393148, author = {久保内昌敏 and 仙北谷英貴 and 津田 健}, title = {耐食樹脂の酸・アルカリ環境下における劣化挙動の解明とその応用}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100538776, author = {冨山禎仁 and 仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田健}, title = {高分子系材料の腐食劣化を対象とした非破壊モニタリング}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100538777, author = {津田 健 and 久保内昌敏}, title = {Applicability of Composites with Unsaturated PolyesterMatrices to Salt Producing Equipment}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100394223, author = {仙北谷英貴 and 久保内昌敏 and 津田 健}, title = {アミン硬化エポキシ樹脂の硝酸によるリサイクル}, year = 2003, }