@article{CTT100768112, author = {M. R. Babaa and A. Moldabayeva and M. Karim and A. Zhexembekova and Y. Zhang and Z. Bakenov and A. Molkenova and I. Taniguchi}, title = {Development of a novel SiO2 based composite anode material for Li-ion batteries}, journal = {Material Today: Proceedings}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100768116, author = {G. Kalimuldina and I. Taniguchi}, title = {Electrochemical Characterization of Non-stoichiometric Cu2Sx Cathode for Lithium Batteries}, journal = {J. Solid State Electrochem.}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100768117, author = {L. Kong and I. Taniguchi}, title = {Synthesis and Characterization of Sulfur/Carbon/Porous Nanostructured V2O5 Composite Cathodes for Lithium Sulfur Batteries}, journal = {Advanced Powder Technology}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100768113, author = {G. Kalimuldina and I. Taniguchi}, title = {Electrochemical Properties of Stoichiometric CuS Coated on Carbon Fiber paper and Cu Foil Current Collectors as Cathode Material for Lithium Batteries}, journal = {J. Mater. Chem. A}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100768111, author = {L. Kong and I. Taniguchi}, title = {Electrochemical Properties of Porous Nanostructured Vanadium Pentoxide as Cathode for Lithium Ion Batteries}, journal = {MATER. LETT.}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100768115, author = {Hee Chan Jang and Izumi Taniguchi}, title = {Influence of Impregnated Carbon on Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of Li2FeP2O7 Composite Synthesized by Spray Pyrolysis}, journal = {J. Alloy Compd.}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100768110, author = {G. Kalimuldina and I. Taniguchi}, title = {High Performance Stoichiometric Cu2S Cathode on Carbon Fiber Current Collector for Lithium Batteries}, journal = {Electrochim. Acta}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100768109, author = {L. Kong and I. Taniguchi}, title = {Electrochemical Properties of Porous V2O5/Sulfur/Carbon Composite Electrode Prepared Using a Combination of Aerosol and Powder Technologies}, journal = {ECS transaction, 75, 165-190(2017)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100768100, author = {Hee Chan Jang and Koji Miyasaka and Izumi Taniguchi}, title = {Synthesis and characterization of Li2MnP2O7/C composites prepared by spray pyrolysis and wet ball milling with heat treatment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 58th battery symposium in Japan}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100768099, author = {Ye Li and IZUMI TANIGUCHI}, title = {エアロゾルと粉体技術を用いたLiCoPO4/Cナノ複合体の合成とそのリチウム二次電池特性}, booktitle = {第59回電池討論会講演要旨集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100768101, author = {Ye Li and IZUMI TANIGUCHI}, title = {LiCoPO4/Cナノ複合体の合成とそのリチウム二次電池特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100768097, author = {Shinnosuke Komiya and IZUMI TANIGUCHI}, title = {硫黄/多孔質V2O5/炭素複合体の合成とそのリチウム硫黄電池特性}, booktitle = {化学工学会第49回秋季大会講演要旨集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100768096, author = {Zenta Kawate and IZUMI TANIGUCHI}, title = {マイクロ波加熱水熱合成法によるCuSの合成とその電気化学特性}, booktitle = {化学工学会第49回秋季大会講演要旨集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100768094, author = {Ye Li and IZUMI TANIGUCHI}, title = {LiNi1-xCocPO4/Cナノ複合体正極材料の合成とそのリチウム二次電池特性}, booktitle = {粉体工学会2017年春期研究発表会講演要旨集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100768095, author = {Assem Ayaganova and Izumi Taniguchi}, title = {Synthesis of LiNbO3 coated LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 cathode for enhanced electrochemical performance of Li-ion batteries}, booktitle = {2017年度粉体工学会春期研究発表会講演要旨集}, year = 2017, }