@article{CTT100498113, author = {Hideaki Fujita and Hirofumi Akagi and 難波江章}, title = {Control Schemes and Compensation Characteristics of an Active Filter Connected in Series with a Passive Filter}, journal = {Transactions of IEEJ}, year = 1990, } @inproceedings{CTT100590607, author = {Hideaki Fujita and Hirofumi Akagi}, title = {A Practical Approach to Harmonic Compensation in Power Systems -Series Connection of Passive and Active Filters-}, booktitle = {}, year = 1990, } @misc{CTT100596510, author = {Hideaki Fujita}, title = {LC回路を直列接続したアクティブフィルタに関する研究}, year = 1990, } @mastersthesis{CTT100596510, author = {Hideaki Fujita}, title = {LC回路を直列接続したアクティブフィルタに関する研究}, school = { Nagaoka University of Technology}, year = 1990, }