@article{CTT100685212, author = {Hirotaka Aoki and Kento Endo and Satoshi Suzuki}, title = {Gaze metrics for visual scanning in hemodialysis operations and their application to the analysis of learning processes of novice clinical engineers working at a dialysis room}, journal = {Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100685215, author = {Satoshi Suzuki and Hirotaka Aoki and Takashi Akiba}, title = {Evaluation of the affordance of a plasmapheresis device by using eye gaze data}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Blood Purification}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100685219, author = {Satoshi Suzuki and Hirotaka Aoki and 秋葉隆}, title = {視覚情報データと作業シーケンスに基づく血液透析における穿刺介助作業の行動分析}, booktitle = {人工臓器}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100685222, author = {Hirotaka Aoki}, title = {Bridging engineering approach and marketing issues}, year = 2013, }