@book{CTT100386494, author = {O.Abe and S.Toyoda and K. Yamada and N. Kurita and S. Hashimoto and R. Uemura and NAOHIRO YOSHIDA}, title = {Methods of sampling, measurements and data acquisition for hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition in rainwater}, publisher = {Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in hydrology (The textbook for the eleventh IHP training course in 2001)}, year = 2002, } @book{CTT100721207, author = {Nakazawa, T. and Aoki, S. and Kawamura, K. and Saeki, T. and Sugawara, S. and Honda, H. and Hashida, G. and Morimoto, S. and Yoshida, N. and Toyoda, S. and Makide, Y. and Shirai, T.}, title = {Variations of stratospheric trace gases measured using a balloon-borne cryogenic sampler}, publisher = {}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100386499, author = {S. Toyoda and N. Yoshida and T. Miwa and Y. Matsui and H. Yamagishi and U. Tsunogai, Y and Nojiri and N. Tsurushima}, title = {Production mechanism and global budget of N2O inferred from its isotopomers in the western North Pacific}, journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100721196, author = {Sowers, T. and Rodebaugh, A. and Yoshida, N. and Toyoda, S.}, title = {Extending records of the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2O back to 1800 AD from air trapped in snow at the South Pole and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project II ice core}, journal = {Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100721199, author = {Popp, B. N. and Westley, M. B. and Toyoda, S. and Miwa, T. and Dore, J. E. and Yoshida, N. and Rust, T. M. and Sansone, F. J. and Russ, M. E. and Ostrom, N. E. and Ostrom, P. H. and Westley, M. B.}, title = {Nitrogen and oxygen isotopomeric constraints on the origins and sea-to-air flux of N2O in the oligotrophic subtropical North Pacific gyre}, journal = {Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, year = 2002, }