@book{CTT100495332, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {A New Sequential Algorithm for Regression Problems by using Mixture Distribution}, publisher = {Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 2002}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100495330, author = {Yoshua Bengio and Ichiro Takeuchi and Takafumi Kanamori}, title = {Robust Regression with Asymmetric Heavy-Tail Noise Distributions}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100495331, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Statistical Asymptotic Theory of Active Learning}, journal = {Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100495333, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {The Challenge of Non-Linear Regression on Large Datasets with Asymmetric Heavy Tails}, journal = {Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting}, year = 2002, }