@book{CTT100821469, author = {Matović, B. and TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {Silicon Carbide and Other Carbides: From Stars to the Advanced Ceramics}, publisher = {}, year = 2013, } @book{CTT100821505, author = {TOYOHIKO YANO and Matović, B.}, title = {Advanced Ceramics for Nuclear Applications}, publisher = {}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100790944, author = {Kobayashi, T. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {Microstructure, mechanical and thermal properties of B4C/CNT composites with Al additive}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100790948, author = {Kobayashi, T. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {Effects of addition of seed grains on morphology and yield of boron carbide powder synthesized by carbothermal reduction}, journal = {Ceramics International}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100791101, author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Kajikawa, S. and TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {Microstructure design and control for improvement of thermal conductivity of SiCf/SiC composites}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100791142, author = {TOYOHIKO YANO and Futamura, Y. and Yamazaki, S. and Sawabe, T. and Katsumi Yoshida}, title = {Recovery behavior of point defects after low-dose neutron irradiation at ∼423 K of sintered 6H-SiC by lattice parameter and macroscopic length measurements}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100790842, author = {Rueanngoen, A. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {Recovery behavior of neutron irradiated α- And β-SiAlON ceramics by thermal annealing up to 1473 K}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100791188, author = {Jiraborvornpongsa, N. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {Effects of trace amount of nanometric SiC additives with wire or particle shapes on the mechanical and thermal properties of alumina matrix composites}, journal = {Journal of Materials Science}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100791213, author = {TOYOHIKO YANO and Futamura, Y. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida}, title = {Recovery behavior of neutron-induced damage of AlN irradiated at higher temperatures by thermal annealing}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100791159, author = {Kobayashi, T. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {Effects of heat-treatment temperature and starting composition on morphology of boron carbide particles synthesized by carbothermal reduction}, journal = {Ceramics International}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100790880, author = {Rueanngoen, A. and Kanazawa, K. and Akiyoshi, M. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {Effects of neutron irradiation on polymorphs of silicon nitride and SiAlON ceramics}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100791592, author = {大久保 陽介 and TOYOHIKO YANO and Katsumi Yoshida and 青木 卓哉 and 小笠原 俊之}, title = {416 先進溶融含浸反応法を用いて作製したSiC_f/SiC複合材料の機械的特性の評価}, booktitle = {機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100821531, author = {TOYOHIKO YANO}, title = {原子力教育と研究 : 続けることの重要性}, year = 2013, }