@article{CTT100818891, author = {Shohei Hattori and Johan Albrech Schmidt and Denis Mahler and Sebastian Danielache and Matthew Johnson and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {Isotope effect in the carbonyl sulfide reaction with O (3 P)}, journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100818890, author = {Martin Enghoff and Nicolai Bork and Shohei Hattori and Carl Meusinger and Mayuko and Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen and Sebastian Danielache and Yuichiro and Naohiro Yoshida and Henrik Svensmark}, title = {An isotope view on ionising radiation as a source of sulphuric acid}, journal = {Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100787650, author = {Danielache, Sebastian O. and Hattori, Shohei and Johnson, Matthew S. and Ueno, Yuichiro and Nanbu, Shinkoh and Yoshida, Naohiro and Shohei Hattori}, title = {Photoabsorption cross-section measurements of32S, 33S, 34S, and 36S sulfur dioxide for the B1B1-X1A1 absorption band}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100787651, author = {Schmidt, J. A. and Johnson, M. S. and Jung, Y. and Danielache, S. O. and Hattori, S. and Yoshida, N. and Shohei Hattori}, title = {Predictions of the sulfur and carbon kinetic isotope effects in the OH plus OCS reaction}, journal = {Chemical Physics Letters}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100787652, author = {Shohei Hattori}, title = {Seasonal change in microbial sulfur cycling in monomictic Lake Fukami-ike, Japan}, journal = {Limnology and Oceanography}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100787653, author = {Nakagawa, Mayuko and Ueno, Yuichiro and Hattori, Shohei and Umemura, Maki and Yagi, Akihiko and Takai, Ken and Koba, Keisuke and Sasaki, Yuji and Makabe, Akiko and Yoshida, Naohiro and Shohei Hattori}, title = {Seasonal change in microbial sulfur cycling in monomictic Lake Fukami-ike, Japan}, journal = {Limnology and Oceanography}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100644455, author = {Nakagawa Mayuko and Yuichiro Ueno and Shohei Hattori and Maki Umemura and Akihiko Yagi and Ken Takai and Keisuke Koba and Yuji Sasaki and Akiko Makabe and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {Seasonal change in microbial sulfur cycling in monomictic Lake Fukami-ike, Japan}, journal = {Limnology & Oceanography}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100648361, author = {Sebastian Danielache and Shohei Hattori and Matthew Johnson and Yuichiro Ueno and Shinko Nanbu and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {Photo absorption cross-section measurements of 32S, 33S, 34S and 36S sulfur dioxide for the B1B1-X1A1 absorption band}, journal = {J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100644453, author = {Johan Schmidt and Y. Jung and ○Shohei Hattori and Matthew Johnson and Johan Schmidt and Y. Jung and Matthew Johnson and Johan Schmidt and Y. Jung and Sebastian Danielache and Matthew Johnson and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {Predictions of the sulfur and carbon kinetic isotope effects in the OH + OCS reaction}, journal = {Chemical Physics Letters}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100787649, author = {Shohei Hattori}, title = {On the isotopic fingerprint exerted on carbonyl sulfide by the stratosphere.}, journal = {Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100644362, author = {Shohei Hattori and Johan Schmidt and Matthew Johnson and Danielache Sebastian and 山田明憲 and Yuichiro Ueno and NAOHIRO YOSHIDA}, title = {二酸化硫黄の光励起反応は大規模火山噴火後の成層圏硫酸エアロゾルに見られる硫黄-MIF を説明できるか}, booktitle = {2012年度年日本地球化学会第59回年会講演要旨集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100786733, author = {Yuhei Hirono and Yosuke Yanai and ○Shohei Hattori and Yun Zou and Yuhei Hirono and Yosuke Yanai and Shohei Hattori and Sakae Toyoda and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {Isotopomer analysis of N2O accumulated in tea field soil in Shizuoka, Central Japan}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100786722, author = {Shohei Hattori and Sebastian O. Danielache and Matthew S. Johnson and Johan A. Schmidt and Akinori Yamada and Yuichiro Ueno and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {SO2 photoexcitation explaines mass-independent fractionation in present-day stratospheric sulfate}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100786723, author = {Shohei Hattori and Johan A. Schmidt and Sebastian O. Danielache and Matthew . Johnson and Yuichiro Ueno and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {Isotopic fractionation in OCS sink reactions and implication for the source of background stratospheric sulfate aerosols}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100786736, author = {Sebastian O. Danielache and Shohei Hattori and Matthew S. Johnson and Yuichiro Ueno and Sshinko Nanbu and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {Ultraviolet spectroscopy of 32S, 33S, 34S and 36S sulphur dioxide: fractionation by photoexcitation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100786711, author = {井尻 暁 and 土岐 知弘 and 山口 保彦 and Shinsuke Kawagucci and Shohei Hattori and Yuki Morono and 寺田 武志 and NAOHIRO YOSHIDA and Urumu Tsunogai and 中村 光一 and Ken Takai and 芦 寿一郎 and 稲垣 史生}, title = {Biogeochemical processes in gas ydrate-bearing mud volcano sediments from the Kumano forearc basin, Japan}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100786707, author = {エングホフ マルティン and ボーク ニコライ and Shohei Hattori and メウシンガー カール and ○中川 麻悠子 and ペダーセン ジェンズ オアフ ペプケ and ダニエラチェ セバスチアン and Yuichiro Ueno and ジョンソン マシュー and NAOHIRO YOSHIDA and スベンスマルク ヘンリック}, title = {An isotopic view on ionising radiation as a source of sulphuric acid}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100648634, author = {Mayuko Nakagawa and Yuichiro Ueno and Shohei Hattori and Ken Takai and Keisuke Koba and Yuuji Sasaki and Akiko Makabe and Maki Umemura and Akihiko Yagi and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {Seasonal change of microbial sulfur cycle in monomictic lake Fukami-ike, Japan}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100805737, author = {鄒 韻 and 廣野 祐平 and 柳井 洋介 and Shohei Hattori and Sakae Toyoda and Naohiro Yoshida}, title = {静岡における茶園土壌のN2Oの濃度とアイソトポマの鉛直分布についての解析}, booktitle = {日本地球化学会年会要旨集}, year = 2012, }