@article{CTT100848658, author = {Satoshi Murakami and Ui Okada and Hendrik W. Veen}, title = {Tripartite transporters as mechanotransmitters in periplasmic alternating‐access mechanisms}, journal = {FEBS Letters}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100837149, author = {Christoph Thomas and Stephen G. Aller and Konstantinos Beis and Elisabeth P. Carpenter and Geoffrey Chang and satoshi murakami and Robert Tampé}, title = {Structural and functional diversity calls for a new classification of ABC transporters}, journal = {FEBS Letters}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100830093, author = {Ui Okada and satoshi murakami}, title = {三者複合体形成型ABCトランスポーターMacBの構造解析}, journal = {ファルマシア}, year = 2020, }