@article{CTT100589189, author = {D. BATANI and R. DEZULIAN and R. REDAELLI and H. Stabile and F. Canova and T. Desai and G. Lucchini and E. Krousky and K. Masek and M. Pfeifer and J. Skala and R. Dudzak and B. Rus and J. Ullschmied and V. Malka and J. Faure and M. Koenig and J. Limpouch and W. Nazarov and D. Pepler and K. Nagai and T. Norimatsu and H. Nishimura}, title = {Recent experiments on the hydrodynamics oflaser-produced plasmas conducted at the PALS laboratory}, journal = {Laser and Particle Beams}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100659625, author = {Keiji Nagai}, title = {放射線源用ターゲット、その製造方法及び放射線発生装置}, howpublished = {RegisteredPatent}, year = 2013, month = {}, note = {特願2007-207453(2007/08/09), 特開2009-043573(2009/02/26), 特許第5234448号(2013/04/05)} }