@book{CTT100610352, author = {HIDEO TAKEZOE and WONHOE KOO and Soon Moon Jeong and RYO NISHIMURA}, title = {省エネ型有機光ダイオードの開発}, publisher = {}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100610245, author = {HIDEO TAKEZOE and WONHOE KOO and Hongje Yun and Fumito Araoka and Ken Ishikawa and Soon Moon Jeong and T. TOYOOKA and S Nishimura}, title = {Spontaneously buckled microlens for improving outcoupled organic electroluminescence}, journal = {Appl. Phys. Exp.}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100610376, author = {HIDEO TAKEZOE and WONHOE KOO and Soon Moon Jeong and Fumito Araoka and Ken Ishikawa and S Nishimura and T. TOYOOKA}, title = {Light extraction from organic light emitting diodes enhanced by spontaneously formed buckles}, journal = {Nature Photonics}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100629011, author = {Hongje Yun and WONHOE KOO and Fumito Araoka and Ken Ishikawa and HIDEO TAKEZOE}, title = {Buckling現象によるマイクロレンズを用いたOrganic Light Emitting Diodeの光取出効率の向上}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, }