@article{CTT100747136, author = {Imamura, Sousuke and Terashita, Masaru and Ohnuma, Mio and Maruyama, Shinichiro and Minoda, Ayumi and Weber, Andreas P. M. and Inouye, Takayuki and Sekine, Yasuhiko and Fujita, Yuichi and Omata, Tatsuo and Kan Tanaka and Sousuke Imamura}, title = {Nitrate assimilatory genes and their transcriptional regulation in a unicellular red alga cyanidioschyzon merolae: Genetic evidence for nitrite reduction by a sulfite reductase-like enzyme}, journal = {Plant and Cell Physiology}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100775030, author = {Minoda, Ayumi and Weber, Andreas P. M. and Tanaka, Kan and Miyagishima, Shin-ya and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Nucleus-Independent Control of the Rubisco Operon by the Plastid-Encoded Transcription Factor Ycf30 in the Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae}, journal = {Plant Physiology}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100775031, author = {Fujiwara, Takayuki and Kuroiwa, Haruko and Yagisawa, Fumi and Ohnuma, Mio and Yoshida, Yamato and Yoshida, Masaki and Nishida, Keiji and Misumi, Osami and Watanabe, Satoru and Tanaka, Kan and Kuroiwa, Tsuneyoshi and Kan Tanaka}, title = {The Coiled-Coil Protein VIG1 Is Essential for Tethering Vacuoles to Mitochondria during Vacuole Inheritance of Cyanidioschyzon merolae}, journal = {Plant Cell}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100775647, author = {Imamura, Sousuke and Terashita, Masaru and Ohnuma, Mio and Maruyama, Shinichiro and Minoda, Ayumi and Weber, Andreas P. M. and Inouye, Takayuki and Sekine, Yasuhiko and Fujita, Yuichi and Omata, Tatsuo and Tanaka, Kan and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Nitrate Assimilatory Genes and Their Transcriptional Regulation in a Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae: Genetic Evidence for Nitrite Reduction by a Sulfite Reductase-Like Enzyme}, journal = {Plant and Cell Physiology}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100775648, author = {Minoda, Ayumi and Weber, Andreas P. M. and Tanaka, Kan and Miyagishima, Shin-ya and Kan Tanaka}, title = {Nucleus-Independent Control of the Rubisco Operon by the Plastid-Encoded Transcription Factor Ycf30 in the Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae}, journal = {Plant Physiology}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100775649, author = {Fujiwara, Takayuki and Kuroiwa, Haruko and Yagisawa, Fumi and Ohnuma, Mio and Yoshida, Yamato and Yoshida, Masaki and Nishida, Keiji and Misumi, Osami and Watanabe, Satoru and Tanaka, Kan and Kuroiwa, Tsuneyoshi and Kan Tanaka}, title = {The Coiled-Coil Protein VIG1 Is Essential for Tethering Vacuoles to Mitochondria during Vacuole Inheritance of Cyanidioschyzon merolae}, journal = {Plant Cell}, year = 2010, }