@inproceedings{CTT100675185, author = {Toshiki Sato and Kentaro Fukuchi and Hideki Koike}, title = {Camera-based Flicking Gesture Recognition and Game Applications}, booktitle = {demo paper}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100675186, author = {Toshiki Sato and Kentaro Fukuchi and Hideki Koike}, title = {OHAJIKI Interface: Flicking Gesture Recognition with a High-Speed OHAJIKI Interface: Flicking Gesture Recognition with a High-Speed}, booktitle = {LNCS 4161}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100676439, author = {Toshiki Sato and Kentaro Fukuchi and Hideki Koike}, title = {指を弾いて遊べる仮想おはじきゲームの実装と評価}, booktitle = {第14 回インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ(WISS 2006) 論文集}, year = 2006, }