@article{CTT100900724, author = {Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio and Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima}, title = {Development of a Passive Reactor Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Disruptive Accidents in Fast Reactors: A Preliminary Study}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100900728, author = {Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio and Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima}, title = {Development of a Passive Reactor Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Disruptive Accidents in Fast Reactors: A Study on Device Specifications: A Study on Device Specifications}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100900734, author = {Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio and Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima}, title = {Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors(1) Current Status of Overall Project Progress}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100900735, author = {Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima and Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio}, title = {DEVELOPMENT OF A PASSIVE REACTOR SHUTDOWN DEVICE TO PREVENT CORE DISRUPTIVE ACCIDENTS IN FAST REACTORS: (2) A STUDY ON SELECTING CANDIDATE FUEL MATERIALS FOR THE BASIC DEVICE SPECIFICATIONS}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100900738, author = {Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio and Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashim}, title = {Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors (1) Current Status of Overall Project Progress}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100900739, author = {Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima and Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio}, title = {Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors (2) Performance of the Device in Reactivity Control and Nuclear Material Management}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, }