@article{CTT100784976, author = {Ai Shinobu and Kazuhiro Takemura and Nobuyuki Matubayasi and Akio Kitao}, title = {Refining evERdock: Improved selection of good protein-protein complex models achieved by MD optimization and use of multiple conformations}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100773142, author = {Kazuhiro Takemura and Chika Sato and Akio Kitao}, title = {ColDock: Concentrated Ligand Docking with All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulation}, journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry B}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100761030, author = {Kazuhiro Takemura and Nobuyuki Matubayasi and Akio Kitao}, title = {Binding free energy analysis of protein-protein docking model structures by evERdock}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, year = 2018, }