@article{CTT100885078, author = {Suzuki, K. and Izawa, S. and Chen, Y. and Nakano, K. and Tajima, K. and Seiichiro Izawa}, title = {Drawing organic photovoltaics using paint marker pens}, journal = {AIP Advances}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100885079, author = {Ohashi, C. and Izawa, S. and Shinmura, Y. and Kikuchi, M. and Watase, S. and Izaki, M. and Naito, H. and Hiramoto, M. and Seiichiro Izawa}, title = {Hall Effect in Bulk-Doped Organic Single Crystals}, journal = {Advanced Materials}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100885080, author = {Shintaku, N. and Izawa, S. and Takagi, K. and Naito, H. and Hiramoto, M. and Seiichiro Izawa}, title = {Hole- and electron-only transport in ratio-controlled organic co-deposited films observed by impedance spectroscopy}, journal = {Organic Electronics}, year = 2017, }