@book{CTT100697205, author = {三島聡 編 and 三島聡 and 守屋克彦 and 本庄武 and 高木光太郎 and 森本郁代 and miki SAIJO and 大塚裕子 and Kayoko Nohara and 大貝葵 and 石塚章夫}, title = {裁判員裁判の評議デザイン 市民の知が活きる裁判をめざして}, publisher = {日本評論社}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100700037, author = {Kayoko Nohara and Fumio Nakaya and MINORU NAKAYAMA}, title = {戦後の理科教材の翻訳と編纂に見られる早期科学リテラシー教育について}, journal = {翻訳研究への招待}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100700040, author = {Kayoko Nohara and Eriko Kawano}, title = {サイエンス&アート/デザインを利用した理工系人材のための創造性教育}, journal = {工学教育}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100700031, author = {Kayoko Nohara}, title = {Translation education in the Japanese university setting: developing global communication skills for students}, journal = {The Journal of Translation Studies -Translator & Interpreter Education in East Asia-}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100700033, author = {Isamu Amir and Kayoko Nohara}, title = {The relationship between text and illustrations in a translated science book for children from 19th-century Japan}, journal = {New Voices in Translation Studies}, year = 2015, }