@inproceedings{CTT100822450, author = {Tatsuki Amitani and Tsunenori Inakura and Naoki Yamano and Ken-Ichi Tanaka and Chikako Ishizuka and Satoshi Chiba}, title = {Estimation of Covariance of Neutron Cross Sections for Decommissioning}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822163, author = {Naoki Yamano and Tsunenori Inakura and Chikako Ishizuka and Satoshi Chiba}, title = {A study of uncertainty due to nuclear data in a long-lived fission product (LLFP) transmutation system utilizing a fast reactor (2) Uncertainty of reaction rate due to neutron capture cross section error of LLFP}, booktitle = {Transaction of 2019 Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822165, author = {Tsunenori Inakura and Naoki Yamano and Chikako Ishizuka and Satoshi Chiba}, title = {A study of uncertainty due to nuclear data in a long-lived fission product (LLFP) transmutation system utilizing a fast reactor (1) Estimation of covariance of neutron capture cross section of LLFP}, booktitle = {Transaction of 2019 Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822168, author = {Tatsuki Amitani and Tsunenori Inakura and Naoki Yamano and Ken-ichi Tanaka and Chikako Ishizuka and Satoshi Chiba}, title = {Estimation of covariance of neutron cross sections for reactor decommissioning}, booktitle = {Transaction of 2019 Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822173, author = {Hiroko Miyuki1 and Go Shinzawa and Kiyohiro Ueda and Shigeyuki Haga and Yuji Kodama and Toshiharu Miyakawa and Naoki Yamano and Keiichi Ishihara}, title = {Class-On-Demand "Radiation Education and HLW Geological disposal" in Elementary schools in Japan Transition of the last eight years}, booktitle = {Transaction of 2019 Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822162, author = {Tsunenori Inakura and Naoki Yamano and Satoshi Chiba}, title = {Evaluation on propagation of uncertainties of 28Si cross section to neutron dose in deep concrete penetration}, booktitle = {Transaction of 2019 Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan}, year = 2019, }