@article{CTT100917820, author = {Peilu Jiang and Huangkai Zhou and Subin Song and Kota Suzuki and Kenta Watanabe and Yumi Yamaguchi and Naoki Matsui and Satoshi Hori and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {A composite cathode with a three-dimensional ion/electron-conducting structure for all-solid-state lithium–sulfur batteries}, journal = {Communications Materials}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100911624, author = {Kotaro Ito and Kazuhisa Tamura and Keisuke Shimizu and Norifumi L. Yamada and Kenta Watanabe and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Degradation mechanism of LiCoO2 at a high voltage in a model all- solid-state battery with highly stable solid/solid interfaces}, journal = {RSC Appl. Interfaces}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100911162, author = {Dongho Kang and Kotaro Ito and Keisuke Shimizu and Kenta Watanabe and Naoki Matsui and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Fabrication and High-temperature Electrochemical Stability of LiFePO4 Cathode/Li3PO4 Electrolyte Interface}, journal = {Electrochemistry}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100908946, author = {Hanseul Kim and Kazuhiro Hikima and Kenta Watanabe and Naoki Matsui and Kouta Suzuki and 小保方 聡 and 武藤 浩行 and 松田 厚範 and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {硫化物固体電解質Li10.35Ge1.35P1.65S12の微細化による機械的強度の向上}, journal = {粉体および粉末冶金}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100907858, author = {Junpei Nakayama and Huangkai Zhou and Jun Izumi and Kenta Watanabe and Kota Suzuki and Fumiya Nemoto and L. Norifumi Yamada and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Electrical Double Layer Formation at Intercalation Cathode–Organic Electrolyte Interfaces During Initial Lithium-Ion Battery Reactions}, journal = {Advanced Materials Interfaces}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100909985, author = {Masataka Yoshimoto and Kazuhisa Tamura and Kenta Watanabe and Keisuke Shimizu and Takeshi Kobayashi and Hanae Tsurita and Yuhei Horisawa and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Intercalative and non-intercalative photo-recharge using all-solid-state cells for solar energy conversion and storage}, journal = {Sustainable Energy & Fuels}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100909265, author = {Takeshi Tojigamori and Naoki Matsui and Kota Suzuki and Masaaki Hirayama and Takeshi Abe and Ryoji Kanno}, title = {Fluorination/Defluorination Behavior of Y2C in Fluoride-Ion Battery Anodes}, journal = {ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100909255, author = {Sho Asano and Jun-Ichi Hata and Kenta Watanabe and Keisuke Shimizu and Naoki Matsui and L.Norifumi Yamada and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Formation Processes of a Solid Electrolyte Interphase at a Silicon/Sulfide Electrolyte Interface in a Model All-Solid-State Li-Ion Battery}, journal = {ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100909068, author = {Sho Asano and Jun-ichi Hata and Kenta Watanabe and Naoki Matsui and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Interfacial structure changes between amorphous silicon anode/liquid electrolyte using a highly dense and flat model electrode}, journal = {Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100909066, author = {Kenta Watanabe and Yuhei Horisawa and Masataka Yoshimoto and Kazuhisa Tamura and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Stable Photoelectrochemical Reactions at Solid/Solid Interfaces toward Solar Energy Conversion and Storage}, journal = {Nano Letters 2024}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100909331, author = {Naoki Matsui and Miwa Murakami and Kazuhiro Mori and Takashi Saito and Keisuke Shimizu and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno}, title = {Effect of Pb 6s2 lone pair on the potential flattening of fluoride-ion conduction in perovskite-type fluoride}, journal = {J. Mater. Chem. A}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100920888, author = {Masataka Yoshimoto and Kazuhisa Tamura and Kenta Watanabe and Keisuke Shimizu and Yuhei Horisawa and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Lithium Photo-extraction using all-solid-state photo-rechargeable battery for photo energy conversion and storage}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100920859, author = {Takashi Hirose and Naoki Matsui and Kenta Watanabe and Takashi Saito and Kazuhiro Mori and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Optimization of Hydride-Ion Conductivity of Perovskite-type structure in SrLiH3–CaLiH3–NaLiH2 Quasi-Ternary System}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100920860, author = {Naoki Matsui and Miwa Murakami and Kazuhiro Mori and Takashi Saito and Keisuke Shimizu and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno}, title = {Effect of Pb 6s2 lone pair on potential flattening of fluoride-ion conduction in CsPbF3}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100920861, author = {Yusuke Shimo and Naoki Matsui and Ryoji Kanno}, title = {Development of Intercalation Anode Materials for Fluoride-ion Batteries :Magnéli Phase TixO}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100920862, author = {Takeshi Tojigamori and Naoki Matsui and Ryoji Kanno}, title = {ntercalation Reaction of Y2C as an Anode Material for Fluoride-Ion Batteries}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100920887, author = {Masataka Yoshimoto and Kazuhisa Tamura and Kenta Watanabe and Keisuke Shimizu and Yuhei Horisawa and Kota Suzuki and Ryoji Kanno and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Lithium Photo-extraction using all-solid-state photo-rechargeable battery for photo energy conversion and storage}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917822, author = {Ryoji Kanno}, title = {All Solid-State Battery using LGPS-type Lithium Solid Electrolytes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917804, author = {Tianyi LIU and Yumi YAMAGUCHI and Naoki MATSUI and Satoshi HORI and Masaaki HIRAYAMA and Kota SUZUKI and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {Development of carbon replica and lithium composite anode}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917807, author = {Enchiyo Ri and Kenta Watanabe and Keisuke Shimizu and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {薄膜電池を用いた酸化物正極/硫化物固体電解質モデル界面の電気化学特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917818, author = {Hikaru Okudaira and Takumi Yabuzaki and Kenta Watanabe and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Al2O3を複合化したLi10GeP2S12-xOx固体電解質の大気安定性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917817, author = {Haruto Ikeda and Takashi Hirose and Naoki Matsui and Kouta Suzuki and Masaaki Hirayama and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {H/F比を制御した複合アニオン化合物の合成と電気化学特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917799, author = {Masaki Shishido and Satoshi Takahashi and Kenta Watanabe and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama and 中村 滉太郎 and 阿部 智大 and 花輪 洋宇 and 安部 浩史}, title = {全固体電池用graphite-Li10P3S12Br複合体負極の電気化学特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917789, author = {Kakeru Murakami and Kenta Watanabe and Kuniharu Nomoto and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {粒径の異なるLiCoO2を用いたLiCoO2-Li10GeP2S12正極複合体の電気化学特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917780, author = {Ryoji KANNO}, title = {イオン導電体創成から固体電池構築へ}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917157, author = {Rei Tsukazaki and Naoki Matsui and Satoshi Hori and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {アルジロダイト型Li5.5PS4.5-xBr1.5Ox固体電解質の合成、構造と物性解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917153, author = {Kota Onuki and Naoki Matsui and Kouta Suzuki and Masaaki Hirayama and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {Scheelite型新規フッ化物イオン導電体LiYbF4の合成とイオン導電特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100917806, author = {Yuqi Wang and Satoshi Oshima and Kenta Watanabe and Naoki Matsui and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {充放電における未修飾LiCoO2/Li10GeP2S12–xOx正極複合体界面の活性化過程}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100910243, author = {Yusuke Shimo and Naoki Matsui and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {フッ化物電池用インターカレーション負極材料の開発(2):マグネリ相TixO}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100910244, author = {Takeshi Tojigamori and Naoki Matsui and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {フッ化物電池用インターカレーション負極材料の開発(1):MXene相Y2C}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100910245, author = {Toshiya Nakayama and Kouta Suzuki and Naoki Matsui and Kenta Watanabe and 世古 敦人 and I. Tanaka and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {推薦システムが提案した未知組成とその期待値の大きさに基づく全固体電池材料の探索}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100910819, author = {Takumi Sakamoto and Kuniharu Nomoto and 岩田 英一 and Naoki Matsui and Satoshi Hori and Masaaki Hirayama and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {MnO2電極の化学酸化処理と全固体リチウム電池特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100910820, author = {Kenta Watanabe and Satoshi Takahashi and Naoki Matsui and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {金属負極/固体電解質界面のin-situ修飾による安定化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100910827, author = {Keisuke Shimizu and Kuniharu Nomoto and 木本 孝仁 and Shunsuke Sasaki and 武井 応樹 and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {リチウム蒸着膜を負極としたバルク型全固体電池の特性評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100910828, author = {Masataka Yoshimoto and Kenta Watanabe and 堀澤 侑平 and Kazuhisa Tamura and Keisuke Shimizu and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {電極/固体電解質界面における光電気化学反応}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100908949, author = {Satoshi Takahashi and Kenta Watanabe and Naoki Matsui and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {固体電解質/金属負極界面の界面制御によるサイクル安定性向上}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100909257, author = {Ryoji KANNO}, title = {放射光・中性子粉末回折及び放射光によるオペランド計測を用いた2次電池の研究}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100908950, author = {Kenta Watanabe and Takuma Noda and Hanseul KIM and Naoki Matsui and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO and Masaaki Hirayama}, title = {Direct tracking reaction distribution in a composite cathode of an all-solid-state battery using operando SEM-EDX}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @misc{CTT100864132, author = {Masaaki Hirayama and Junichi Hata and Kouta Suzuki and Ryoji KANNO}, title = {ナノ構造体、電極及び電池}, howpublished = {RegisteredPatent}, year = 2024, month = {}, note = {特願2020-546010(2019/09/09), 再表2020/054665(2021/08/30), 特許第7496133号(2024/05/29)} }