@article{CTT100855447, author = {H. Ogihara and T. Maezuru and Y. Ogishima and Y. Inami and M. Saito and S. Iguchi and I. Yamanaka}, title = {The Active Center of Co-N-C Electrocatalyst for the Selective Reduction of CO2 to CO Using a Nafion-H Electrolyte in the Gas Phase}, journal = {ACS Omega,}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100855589, author = {仙波雄毅 and 荻島裕司 and 井波雄太 and 井口翔之 and 荻原仁志 and 山中一郎}, title = {SPE型CO2電解に活性を示すCo-N-C触媒の構造解析と反応機構の推定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }