@article{CTT100799489, author = {Wonjik Kim and Masayuki Tanaka and Masatoshi Okutomi and Yoko Sasaki}, title = {Automatic Labeled LiDAR Data Generation and Distance-Based Ensemble Learning for Human Segmentation}, journal = {IEEE Access}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100799712, author = {金原稷 and 田中正行 and 奥富正敏 and 佐々木洋子}, title = {深層学習のための精密な人モデルに基づくラベル付きLiDARデータ生成}, booktitle = {第25回画像センシングシンポジウム(SSII2019)}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100799493, author = {Wonjik Kim and Masayuki Tanaka and Masatoshi Okutomi and Yoko Sasaki}, title = {Automatic Labeled LiDAR Data Generation based on Precise Human Model}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2019)}, year = 2019, }