@article{CTT100852239, author = {Naohisa Wada and Hideaki Yuasa and Rei Kajitani and Yasuhiro Gotoh and Yoshitoshi Ogura and Dai Yoshimura and Atsushi Toyoda and Sen-Lin Tang and Yukihiro Higashimura and Hugh Sweatman and Zac Forsman and Omri Bronstein and Gal Eyal and Nalinee Thongtham and Takehiko Itoh and Tetsuya Hayashi and Nina Yasuda}, title = {A ubiquitous subcuticular bacterial symbiont of a coral predator, the crown-of thorns starfish, in the Indo-Pacifc}, journal = {Microbiome}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100852372, author = {Rei Kajitani and Dai Yoshimura and Yoshitoshi Ogura and Yasuhiro Gotoh and Tetsuya Hayashi and Takehiko Itoh}, title = {Platanus_B: an accurate de novo assembler for bacterial genomes using an iterative error- removal process}, journal = {DNA Research}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100851546, author = {服部淳 and 吉村大 and 谷口愛樹 and 林哲也 and 伊藤武彦}, title = {Comprehensive detection of insertion sequences in bacterial genomes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }