@article{CTT100751549, author = {Kouichi Hosaka and Kennichi Shiino and Yuko Nakanishi and Takeshi Odagiri and Masashi Kitajima and Noriyuki Kouchi}, title = {Dynamics of the Q21Πu(1) state studied from the isotope effect on the cross sections for the formation of the 2p atom pair in the photoexcitation of H2 and D2}, journal = {Physical Review A}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100751556, author = {奥村拓馬 and 森湧真 and 佐山篤 and 赤坂博史 and 北島昌史 and 穂坂綱一 and 河内宣之}, title = {三重同時計数実験のための実験装置の開発-空間電荷効果を考慮した電子モノクロメーターの性能評価-}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100752876, author = {M. Kitajima and K. Shigemura and K. Hosaka and T. Odagiri and M. Hoshino and H. Tanaka}, title = {Cross sections for ultra-low-energy electron scattering from atoms and molecules}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100751555, author = {鳥塚祐太郎 and 穂坂綱一 and Schmidt Philipp and 谷内一史 and 小田切丈 and Knie Andre and Jankala Kari and Ehresmann Arno and 北島昌史 and 河内宣之}, title = {水素(H2, HD, D2)の光解離で生成するLyman-α光子ペアの角度相関}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100751554, author = {穂坂綱一 and 鳥塚祐太郎 and Schmidt Philipp and 谷内一史 and 小田切丈 and Knie Andre and Jankala Kari and Ehresmann Arno and 北島昌史 and 河内宣之}, title = {2電子励起水素分子のダイナミクス-H2, HD, 及び D2からの2p原子ペア生成断面積の比較}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100751552, author = {Kouichi HOSAKA and Yutaro TORIZUKA and Kazufumi YACHI and Philipp SCHMIDT and Andre KNIE and Kari JANKALA and Arno EHRESMANN and Takeshi ODAGIRI and Masashi KITAJIMA and Noriyuki KOUCHI}, title = {Unexpected isotope effect on the cross section of 2p pair formation in the photoexcitation of H2, D2 and HD}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100751551, author = {Takuma Okumura and Yuma Mori and Atsushi Sayama and Masashi Kitajima and Kouichi Hosaka and Noriyuki Kouchi}, title = {A new type of the electron monochromator considering the space charge effects for electon-molecule collision experiments}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100717254, author = {穂坂綱一 and 鳥塚祐太郎 and 谷内一史 and Philipp Schmidt and Andre Knie and Kari Jankala and Arno Ehresmann and 小田切丈 and 北島昌史 and 河内宣之}, title = {2電子励起水素分子のダイナミクス 2p原子ペア生成断面積に現れる同位体効果}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100717240, author = {穂坂綱一 and 鳥塚祐太郎 and 谷内一史 and Philipp Schmidt and Andre Knie and Kari Jankala and Arno Ehresmann and 小田切丈 and 北島昌史 and 河内宣之}, title = {水素分子(H2, HD, D2)の光解離による2p原子ペア生成断面積}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100717231, author = {穂坂綱一 and 仲西祐子 and 向後陵子 and Philipp Schmidt and 鳥塚祐太郎 and 谷内一史 and 小田切丈 and Andre Knie and Kari Jankala and Arno Ehresmann and 中野元善 and 熊谷嘉晃 and 椎野健一 and 北島昌史 and 河内宣之}, title = {水素分子の光解離により生成するH(2p)原子ペアの量子もつれ}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }