@book{CTT100571356, author = {市村 禎二郎 and 藤本 善徳 and 小松 隆之 and 鈴木 正 and 原 典行 and 松下 慶寿 and 小澤 健一 and 工藤 史貴 and 高井 和之 and 水上 真由美 and 追中 寛 and 岩井 敦子}, title = {理工系大学 基礎化学実験 第3版}, publisher = {講談社サイエンティフィク}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100564692, author = {Kenichi Yokoyama and Daijiro Ohmori and Fumitaka Kudo and Tadashi Eguchi}, title = {Mechanistic Study on the Reaction of a Radical SAM Dehydrogenase BtrN by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy}, journal = {Biochemistry}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100558983, author = {Makoto Takaishi and Fumitaka Kudo and Tadashi Eguchi}, title = {Biosynthetic Pathway of 24-Membered Macrolactam Glycoside Incednine}, journal = {Tetrahedron}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100554300, author = {Kenichi Yokoyama and Yasuhito Yamamoto and Fumitaka Kudo and Tadashi Eguchi}, title = {Involvement of Two Distinct N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferases and a Dual-Function Deacetylase in Neomycin Biosynthesis}, journal = {ChemBioChem}, year = 2008, }