@article{CTT100790809, author = {Hitoshi Miura and Taishi Nakamoto and Hajime Susa}, title = {A Shock-Wave Heating Model for Chondrule Formation: Effects of Evaporation and Gas Flows on Silicate Particles}, journal = {Icarus}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100790808, author = {Nobuhiro Kikuchi and Taishi Nakamoto and Koji Ogochi}, title = {Disk-Halo Model for Flat-Spectrum T Tauri Stars}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100790806, author = {Hajime Susa and Taishi Nakamoto}, title = {On the Maximal Size of Chondrules in Shock Wave Heating Model}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2002, }