@book{CTT100647048, author = {吉野雅彦 and 大竹尚登 and 山本貴富喜 and 山中晃徳 and 中村吉男 and 安田公一 and 齊藤卓志 and 源関聡 and 津島将司 and 黒川悠 and 井上裕嗣 and 山?敬久 and 野崎智洋 and 鈴木俊明 and 梅原徳次 and 近藤行人 and 松村隆 and 楊明 and 月山陽介 and 益満秀治 and 赤上陽一 and 久住孝幸 and 上坂裕之 and 野老山貴行 and 品川一成 and 新保實 and 平山朋子 and 早川邦夫 and 坂井田喜久 and 鈴木清一 and 柏谷智}, title = {機械屋のための分析装置ガイドブック(日本塑性加工学会編)}, publisher = {コロナ社}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100662381, author = {Takahisa Yamazaki and Keisuke Shoji and Toshi-Taka Ikeshoji and AKIO SUZUMURA}, title = {The healing effect of stearic acid applied on amorphous carbon film with dispersed nanodiamonds}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100648376, author = {山﨑敬久 and 坂口修治 and 池庄司敏孝 and 鈴村暁男}, title = {ダイヤモンドのAl-Si-Mnを用いた赤外線集光加熱によるメタライジング}, booktitle = {溶接学会全国大会講演概要}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100644498, author = {池庄司敏孝 and 鈴村暁男 and 山﨑敬久 and 香取真奈 and 黒田圭佑}, title = {ステンレス鋼管のろう付圧接法(BPW法)による接合継手の耐蝕性}, booktitle = {溶接学会全国大会大会講演概要}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100648377, author = {山﨑敬久 and 大河内慧 and 池庄司敏孝 and 鈴村暁男}, title = {ナノダイヤモンド分散テトラヘドラルアモルファスカーボン膜の表面修飾と摩擦摩耗特性}, booktitle = {トライボロジー会議予稿集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643631, author = {Kazuhiro Niwaya and Toshi-Taka Ikeshoji and Akio Suzumura and Takahisa Yamazaki}, title = {Brazing of carbon-fiber-reinforced carbon composites and aluminum alloy}, booktitle = {The 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643629, author = {Toshi-Taka Ikeshoji and Keisuke Kuroda and Mana Katori and Akio Suzumura and Takahisa Yamazaki}, title = {EPR Reactivity of Braze-Pressure Welding Joint of Austenitic Stainless Steel}, booktitle = {The 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643638, author = {池庄司 敏孝 and 天沼 徹太郎 and 鈴村 暁男 and 山﨑 敬久}, title = {中間材を用いた耐熱合金とC/C複合材料のろう付}, booktitle = {溶接学会全国大会講演概要第90集(2012-4)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643606, author = {Toshi-Taka Ikeshoji and Tetsutaro Amanuma and Akio Suzumura and Takahisa Yamazaki}, title = {Brazing of C/C composites and Ni Base Alloys with Fe-base Brazing Filler Alloys}, booktitle = {5th International Brazing and Soldering Conference (IBSC2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643626, author = {Takahisa Yamazaki and Maki Nishiyama and Toshi-Taka Ikeshoji and Akio Suzumura}, title = {Dissolution of Stainless Steel Into Molten Sn-Bi Solder During Viscosity Measurement}, booktitle = {5th International Brazing and Soldering Conference (IBSC2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643628, author = {Takahisa Yamazaki and Kohei Fujioka and Hidenari Tsuda and Toshi-Taka Ikeshoji and Akio Suzumura}, title = {Wear Property of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Thick Film with Despersed Nano-Diamond on Quenched 440C Stainless Steel}, booktitle = {5th International Brazing and Soldering Conference (IBSC2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643603, author = {Toshi-Taka Ikeshoji and Keisuke Kuroda and Mana Katori and Akio Suzumura and Takahisa Yamazaki}, title = {Sensitization of Braze-Pressure Welding of Stainless Steel}, booktitle = {5th International Brazing and Soldering Conference (IBSC2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100643637, author = {池庄司 敏孝 and 森本 哲也 and 鈴村 暁男 and 山﨑 敬久}, title = {炭素系複合材と軽金属の接合体の電解腐食}, booktitle = {日本機械学会関東支部第18期総会講演会概要集}, year = 2012, } @misc{CTT100648378, author = {山﨑敬久}, title = {溶融はんだ中へのステンレス鋼の溶解についての話題}, year = 2012, }