@book{CTT100633603, author = {神田 学}, title = {常微分方程式と物理現象}, publisher = {神田 学}, year = 2012, } @book{CTT100661676, author = {神田 学}, title = {二つの温暖化 -地球温暖化とヒートアイランド- 第Ⅲ部 第1章 ヒートアイランドの仕組み ( 神田 学 分担執筆 )}, publisher = {成山堂}, year = 2012, } @book{CTT100633601, author = {神田学}, title = {第7章「都市気象の屋外実験」 ( 神田 学 分担執筆 )}, publisher = {日本気象学会}, year = 2012, } @book{CTT100642381, author = {神田 学}, title = {「都市気候」 (神田 学 分担執筆)}, publisher = {コロナ社}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100657311, author = {神田 学 and 稲垣厚至 and 瀧本浩史}, title = {都市の上空を流れる風}, journal = {日本風工学会誌}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100636426, author = {Inagaki, A. and Castillo, M. C. and Yamashita, Y. and Kanda, M. and Takimoto, H.}, title = {Large eddy simulation of coherent flow structures within a cubical canopy}, journal = {Boundary-Layer Meteorology}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100636425, author = {久米村秀明 and 稲垣厚至 and 小野村史穂 and 瀧本浩史 and 神田 学}, title = {熱画像風速測定法(TIV)の開発と建物壁面への応用}, journal = {土木学会水工学論文集}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100636424, author = {今野 雷 and 稲垣厚至 and 神田 学 and 宮本康司}, title = {都市河川周辺で発生する蚊柱濃度の時空間挙動の定量観測}, journal = {土木学会水工学論文集}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100657768, author = {宮本 崇史 and 稲垣 厚至 and 神田 学}, title = {3次元建物GISを用いたLESによる東京街区の流体力学的パラメタリゼーション}, journal = {土木学会水工学論文集 B1(水工学)}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100657420, author = {八木綾子 and 瀧本浩史 and 藤原忠誠 and 稲垣厚至 and 藤吉康志 and 神田 学}, title = {ドップラーライダー視線方向速度のパターン追跡による2次元風速場の推定}, journal = {土木学会水工学論文集 B1(水工学)}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100661679, author = {稲垣厚至 and 久米村秀明 and 神田 学}, title = {サーモカメラを用いた壁面近傍風速の計測手法の開発}, journal = {ながれ : 日本流体力学会誌}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100661688, author = {Kumiko Nakano and Alvin C.G. Varquez and Makoto Nakayoshi and Manabu Kanda and Takao Yoshitake and Hiroyuki Kusaka}, title = {Impact of high-resolution sea-surface temperature and latest urban parameters on localized heavy rain in Tokyo using a weather forecasting model}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100661692, author = {Ayako Yagi and Hiroshi Takimoto and Chusei Fujiwara and ATSUSHI INAGAKI and Yasushi Fujiyoshi and Manabu Kanda}, title = {Estimation of circumferentiale velocity from observed radial velocity---velicity image velocimetory---}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100661686, author = {Shi Rui and Nakayoshi Makoto and Kanda Manabu and Miyamoto Kenji}, title = {Summer outdoor observation of thermal environments and human physiological responses,}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100661700, author = {稲垣厚至 and 久米村秀明 and 神田 学}, title = {サーモカメラを用いた壁面近傍風速の測風手法の開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100661694, author = {稲垣厚至 and 宮本崇史 and 神田 学}, title = {LESを用いた都市地表面のフィードバックパラメタリゼーション}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100661739, author = {MANABU KANDA and Oda, R. and Iwai, H. and Inagaki, A. and Ishii, S. and Satoh, S. and Sekizawa, S. and Mizutani, K. and Murayama, Y.}, title = {Doppler lidar observation of turbulent mixing in the urban atmospheric boundary layer}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642384, author = {Kanda, M. and Inagaki, A. and Miyamoto, T.}, title = {New Aerodynamic Parameterization for Real Urban Surfaces derived from LES}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642385, author = {Inagaki, A. and Kanda, M. and Onomura, S. and Kumemura, H.}, title = {Measurement of velocity distribution near a building wall using a time-sequential thermography}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642386, author = {Castillo, M. C. and Inagaki, A. and Yamashita, Y. and Kanda, M. and Takimoto, H.}, title = {Very Large Turbulent Organised Structures in the Urban Canopy Layer}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642388, author = {Varquez, A.C.G. and Kanda M. and Nakayoshi M. and Adachi S. and Nakano K. and Yoshikane T. and Tsugawa M. and Kusaka H.}, title = {Tokyo localized rainfall simulation using improved urban and sea parameterized WRF-ARW}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100661738, author = {Nakayoshi, M. and Shi, R. and Kanda, M. and de Dear, R.}, title = {Investigation of outdoor thermal physiology along subjects' pathway}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100661737, author = {Nakayoshi, M. and Shi, R. and Kanda, M. and R. de Dear}, title = {Development of wearable measurement system for thermal physiology}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642400, author = {野口淡海 and 森脇 亮 and 稲垣厚至 and 瀧本浩史 and 神田 学}, title = {都市境界層における大気乱流 及びフラックスの年間スペクトル解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642392, author = {稲垣厚至 and 久米村秀明 and 神田 学}, title = {サーモカメラを用いた二次元速度場の同定手法}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642395, author = {仲吉 信人 and 石 蕊 and 神田 学}, title = {人体装着型の熱環境・生理応答計測システムの開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642396, author = {石 蕊 and 仲吉信人 and 神田 学 and 宮本賢二}, title = {岐阜県多治見市における夏期の屋外温熱生理被験者実験}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642398, author = {八木 綾子 and 瀧本 浩史 and 稲垣 厚至 and 神田 学 and 藤原忠誠 and 藤吉康志:}, title = {ライダーの視線方向速度から2次元風速を推定する方法―Velocity Image Velocimetry―}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642402, author = {渡邉 修 and 稲垣厚至 and 神田 学}, title = {実都市幾何形状を考慮した都市境界層のLarge Eddy Simulation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, }