@book{CTT100791345, author = {大即信明 and 宮里 心一 and 今本 啓一}, title = {Practical Guideline for Investigation, Repair and Strengthening of Cracked Concrete Structuresのバングラデシュ講習会の報告}, publisher = {公益社団法人 日本コンクリート工学会}, year = 2015, } @book{CTT100791394, author = {大即信明 and 西田 孝弘 and 長田 光司 and 笠井 浩}, title = {Practical Guideline for Investigation, Repair and Strengthening of Cracked Concrete Structuresのマニラ講習会報告}, publisher = {公益社団法人 日本コンクリート工学会}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100790856, author = {Lim, E.D. and Roxas, C.L. and Gallardo, R. and Nishida, T. and NOBUAKI OTSUKI}, title = {Strength and corrosion behavior of mortar mixed and/or cured with seawater with various fly ash replacement ratios}, journal = {Asian Journal of Civil Engineering}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696260, author = {NOBUAKI OTSUKI and Hidenori Hamada and Nobufumi Takeda and Keiichi Imamoto and Toru Yamaji and Takashi Habuchi and Takahiro Nishida}, title = {Introduction of a JCI Technical Committee Report on Use of Seawater in Concrete- Related to Mineral Admixtures-}, booktitle = {BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 2015 SEMINAR-WORKSHOP ON THE UTILIZATION OF WASTE MATERIALS}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696257, author = {NOBUAKI OTSUKI and Kouki Hashizume and Ayako Mizuma}, title = {Influence of initial chloride content and water cement ratio on corrosion of steel bar in mortar exposed to marine environment for 32 years}, booktitle = {BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 2015 SEMINAR-WORKSHOP ON THE UTILIZATION OF WASTE MATERIALS}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100694132, author = {NOBUAKI OTSUKI and Takahiro Nishida and Hiroki Ohara and Zoulkanel Moussa Garba-Say and Tomohiro Nagata}, title = {Some Considerrations for Applicability of Seawater as Mixing Water in Concrete}, booktitle = {Materials in Civil Engineering}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100684140, author = {NOBUAKI OTSUKI and Takahiro Nishida and Kazumi Matsuoka and Kenichiro Imafuku}, title = {Twenty-Year Tests Expose Steel with Organic Coatings in Marine Environments}, booktitle = {NACE INTERNATIONAL}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100791167, author = {Mutou, Y. and Konishi, S. and Kawakami, K. and Oizumi, M. and Morohashi, Y. and Kuzume, K. and NOBUAKI OTSUKI}, title = {Study on the effective protection method against chloride attack in the subway tunnels}, booktitle = {Concrete - Innovation and Design: fib Symposium Proceedings}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100694133, author = {大即信明 and 桝田佳寛 and 網野貴彦 and 枝広英俊 and 井上健 and 高田誠 and 内田裕市 and 棚野博之 and 江口清 and 信田佳延}, title = {平成27年版 コンクリート主任技士 試験問題と解説-付・「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」-}, year = 2015, } @misc{CTT100694135, author = {大即信明 and 桝田佳寛 and 網野貴彦 and 枝広英俊 and 井上 健 and 高田誠 and 内田裕市 and 棚野 博之 and 江口 清 and 信田佳延}, title = {平成27年版コンクリート技士 試験問題と解説-付・「試験概要」と「傾向と対策」-}, year = 2015, }