@article{CTT100712706, author = {Masayuki Komada}, title = {The Ankrd 13 family of UIM-bearing proteins regulates EGF receptor endocytosis from the plasma membrane}, journal = {Mol. Biol. Cell}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100712705, author = {Masayuki Komada}, title = {Essential function of protein 4.1G in targeting of membrane protein palmitoylated 6 into Schmidt-Lanterman incisures in myelinated nerves}, journal = {Mol. Cell. Biol.}, year = 2012, } @misc{CTT100712760, author = {Masayuki Komada}, title = {Balanced ubiquitination determines cellular responsiveness to extracellular stimul}, year = 2012, }