@article{CTT100614619, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Koichi Okamoto and Tomotsune Koyanagi and Miyuki Kouda and Kiichi Tachi and Takamasa Kawanago and Jaeyeol Song and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Selection of rare earth silicates for highly scaled gate dielectrics}, journal = {Microelectronic Engineering}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100607472, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Kiichi Tachi and M.Adachi and Koichi Okamoto and Soshi Sato and Jaeyeol Song and Takamasa Kawanago and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Interface and electrical properties of La-silicate for direct contact of high-k with silicon}, journal = {Solid-State Electronics}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100607582, author = {M.K. Bera and Jaeyeol Song and Ahmet Parhat and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Yttrium-scandium oxide as high-k gate dielectric for germanium metal-oxide-semiconductor devices}, journal = {SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100607487, author = {A. Uedono and KAZUO TSUTSUI and S. Ishibashi and H. Watanabe and S. Kubota and Y. Nakagawa and Bunji Mizuno and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Vacancy-Boron Complexes in Plasama Immersion lon-lmplanted Si Probed by a Monoenergetic Positron Beam}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100613512, author = {A. Uedono and KAZUO TSUTSUI and S. Ishibashi and H. Watanabe and S. Kubota and Yasumasa Nakagawa and Bunji Mizuno and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Vacancy-Boron Complexes in Plasama Immersion lon-lmplanted Si Probed by a Monoenergetic Positron Beam}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100604483, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Koichi Okamoto and Tomotsune Koyanagi and Miyuki Kouda and Kiichi Tachi and Takamasa Kawanago and Jaeyeol Song and Ahmet Parhat and Hiroshi Nohira and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {SrO capping effect for La2O3/ Ce-Silicate gate dielectrics}, journal = {Microelectronics Reliability 50}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100604479, author = {Yusuke Kobayashi and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and V.Rampogal Rao and KAZUO TSUTSUI and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Analysis of dependence of short-channel effects in double-gate MOSFETs on channel thickness}, journal = {Microelectronics Reliability 50}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100607464, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and M. Nakagawa and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Radio-frequency performance of a sub-100 nm metal-oxide field-effect transistor with high-k gate dielectric}, journal = {Semiconductor Science and Technology}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100607466, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Tomotsune Koyanagi and Kiichi Tachi and Jaeyeol Song and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Characterization of flatband voltage roll-off and roll-up behavior in La2O3/silicate gate dielectric}, journal = {Solid-State Electronics}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100615530, author = {unknown unknown and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and M. Geni and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {The Effect of Isotropic and Anisotropic Scattering in Drain Region of Ballistic Channel Diode}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100615527, author = {KAZUO TSUTSUI and Masaoki Tanaka and Norifumi Hoshino and Hiroshi Nohira and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and 佐々木雄一朗 and Bunji Mizuno and T. Muro and T. Kinoshita and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Soft X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Activation and Deactivation of Impurities in Shallow Junctions}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100830564, author = {D. Kitayama and T. Koyanagi and K. Kakushima and P. Ahmet and K. Tsutsui and A. Nishiyama and N. Sugii and K. Natori and T. Hattori and H. Iwai}, title = {TiN Capping Effect on High Temperature Annealed RE-Oxide Devices for Scaled EOT}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100613735, author = {Y. Wu and Naoto Shigemori and Soshi Sato and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and 西山彰 and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Observation of Tunneling FET operation in MOSFET with NiSi/Si Schottky source/channel interface}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100613733, author = {来山大祐 and Tomotsune Koyanagi and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {TiN Capping Effect on High Temperature Annealed RE-Oxide MOS Capacitors for Scaled EOT}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100613732, author = {Naoto Shigemori and Soshi Sato and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Suppression of Lateral Encroachment of Ni Silicide into Si Nanowires using Nitrogen Incorporation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100613731, author = {M. Mamatrishat and Miyuki Kouda and Takamasa Kawanago and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and A. Aierken and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Effect of Remote-Surface –Roughness Scattering on Electron Mobility in MOSFETs with High-k Dielectrics}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100613728, author = {M.Bera and Ahmet Parhat and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Nobuyuki Sugii and 西山彰 and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Electrical Properties of Yttrium-Titanium Oxide High-k Gate Dielectric on Ge}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100613726, author = {Tomotsune Koyanagi and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Impact of Alkali-Earth-Elements Incorporation on Vfb R0ll-Off Characteristics of La2O3 Gated MOS Device}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616058, author = {竇 春萌 and マイマイティ マイマイティレャアティ and ダリューシュザデ and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {希土類(Ce,Eu)酸化物MIM構造の抵抗スイッチング特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616054, author = {細井隆司 and 神田高志 and ダリューシュザデ and Yueh Chin Lin and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and Edward Yi Chang and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {絶縁膜材料を用いたIn0.53Ga0.47As MOSキャパシタの電気特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616050, author = {金田翼 and 幸田みゆき and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Tm-oxide/La2O3構造ゲート絶縁膜の界面特性評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616068, author = {小山 将央 and 茂森直登 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 西山彰 and 筒井一生 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {窒素導入によるSiナノワイヤ内へのNiシリサイド侵入抑制機構の検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616070, author = {中島 一裕 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {チャージポンピング法による立体Si構造の界面準位密度の評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100830565, author = {Keita Takahashi and Yuki Yoshizumi and Yuji Fukuoka and Noboru Saito and Kazuo Tsutsui}, title = {Epitaxial NiSi2 Buffer Technique for Fluoride Resonant Tunneling Devices on Si}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100613532, author = {Takamasa Kawanago and Yeonghun Lee and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Optimized Oxygen Annealing Process for Vth Tuning of p-MOSFET with High-k/Metal Gate Stacks}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616055, author = {呉研 and 茂森直登 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {トンネルFET動作に向けたNiシリサイド/Si接触におけるトンネル電流の観測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616063, author = {マイマイティ マイマイティレャアティ and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {High-kゲートスタックMOSFETにおける電子移動度のリモート界面ラフネス散乱依存性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616062, author = {鈴木 拓也 and 川那子高暢 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {希釈酸素雰囲気熱処理を用いたLaシリケート/Si MOS構造のVFB/Vthシフトの低EOTへの適用}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616061, author = {来山大祐 and 小柳友常 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {高温短時間熱処理を用いた希土類MOSキャパシタへのTiNキャップ効果}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100616060, author = {田中正興 and 金原潤 and 宮田陽平 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 室隆桂之 and 木下豊彦 and 野平博司 and 筒井一生 and 室田 淳一 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Siエピタキシャル層にドープされたボロンの軟X線光電子分光}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100613529, author = {角嶋邦之 and 小柳友常 and 来山大祐 and 幸田みゆき and 宋在烈 and 佐藤創志 and 川那子高暢 and M. マイマイティ and 舘喜一 and M.K. Bera and パールハットアヘメト and 野平博司 and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 山田啓作 and 岩井洋}, title = {LaCe シリケート膜を用いたEOT<0.7nm の直接接合 high-k/Si の実現とフラットバンド電圧制御}, booktitle = {,野平博司,筒井一生,西山彰,杉井信之,名取研二,服部健雄,山田啓作,岩井洋“LaCe シリケート膜を用いたEOT<0.7nm の直接接合 high-k/Si の実現とフラットバンド電圧制御” 応用物理学会分科会 シリコンテクノロジー No.127 pp.4-8(2010年7月22日 )}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100830566, author = {Keita Takahashi and Takao Oshita and Kazuo Tsutsui}, title = {Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Very Thin Fluoride Films on Ge(111) and Its Application to Resonant Tunneling Diodes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100607843, author = {Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Tomotsune Koyanagi and 来山大祐 and Miyuki Kouda and Jaeyeol Song and Takamasa Kawanago and M. Mamatrishat and Kiichi Tachi and M. K. Bera and Ahmet Parhat and Hiroshi Nohira and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and Keisaku Yamada and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Direct Contact of High-k/Si Gate Stack for EOT below 0.7 nm using LaCe-silicate Layer with Vfb controllability}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100608700, author = {来山大祐 and 小柳友常 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {EOT=0.5nmに向けた希土類MOSデバイスの高温短時間熱処理の検討}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 pp.43-48}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100608701, author = {茂森直登 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {SiナノワイヤへのNiシリサイド形成と過剰な侵入とその抑制に関する検討}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 pp.17-22}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100605145, author = {Akira Uedono and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Shoji Ishibashi and Hiromichi Watanabe and Shoji Kubota and Kazuki Tenjinbayashi and Yasumasa Nakagawa and Bunji Mizuno and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Vacancy-Type Defects in Ultra-Shallow Junctions Fabricated Using Plasma Doping Studied by Positron Annihilation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100605137, author = {KAZUO TSUTSUI and Norifumi Hoshino and Yasumasa Nakagawa and Masaoki Tanaka and Hiroshi Nohira and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and 佐々木雄一朗 and Bunji Mizuno and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Depth Profiling of Chemical Bonding States of Impurity Atoms and Their Correlation with Electrical Activity in Si Shallow Junctions}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100605245, author = {A. Uedono and KAZUO TSUTSUI and S. Ishibashi and H. Watanabe and S. Kubota and Y. Nakagawa and Bunji Mizuno and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Vacancy-Boron Complexes in Plasama Immersion lon-lmplanted Si Probed by a Monoenergetic Positron Beam}, booktitle = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100605146, author = {Ahmet Parhat and Wataru Hosoda and unknown unknown and Yoshihisa Ohishi and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and KAZUO TSUTSUI and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Er Inserted Ni Silicide Metal Source/Drain for Schottky MOSFETs}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603743, author = {Katuya Matano and Kiyohisa Funamizu and Miyuki Kouda and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Electrical Characteristics of Rare Earth (La, Ce, Pr and Tm) Oxides/Silicates Gate Dielectric}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603768, author = {茂森直登 and 新井英朗 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 西山彰 and 筒井一生 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {酸化膜中のSiナノワイヤへのNi拡散の制御}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603767, author = {田中正興 and 星野憲文 and 筒井一生 and 野平博司 and 室隆桂之 and 加藤有香子 and 木下豊彦 and パールハットアヘメト and 角嶋邦之 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {光電子分光により検出したSi中のAsおよびPの化学結合状態の評価}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603766, author = {川那子高暢 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {酸素添加がWゲートMOSデバイスの電気特性に与える影響}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603765, author = {神田高志 and 船水清永 and Yueh Chin Lin and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and Edward Yi Chang and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {HfO2/ La2O3/ In0.53 Ga0.47As構造の界面特性の変化}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603761, author = {小柳友常 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {La2O3 MOSデバイスへのアルカリ土類元素キャップによる電気特性の変化}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603760, author = {幸田みゆき and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {希土類酸化物をキャップすることによるMOSFETの電気特性の改善}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603759, author = {小澤健児 and 幸田みゆき and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {La2O3 MOSFETへのCeOxキャップによる電気特性の改善}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603758, author = {ダリューシュ ザデ and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {界面にLa2O3 絶縁膜層を挿入したHf系high-kゲートMOSFETの評価}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603756, author = {来山 大祐 and 小柳友常 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {来山大祐,小柳友常,角嶋邦之,パールハット アヘメト,筒井一生,西山彰,杉井信之,名取研二,服部健雄,岩井洋“EOT=0.5nm に向けたTaSi2/La2O3/CeOxゲートスタック構造の検討}, booktitle = {第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603745, author = {AbudukelimuAbudureheman and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and HIROSHI IWAI and takeo hattori and KENJI NATORI}, title = {Performance of Silicon Ballistic Nanowire MOSFET with Diverse Orientations and Diameters}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100603744, author = {Wataru Hosoda and Kenji Ozawa and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and KENJI NATORI and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Fabrication of SB-MOSFETs on SOI Substrate Using Ni Silicide Containing Er Interlayer}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630958, author = {茂森直登 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 西山彰 and 筒井一生 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Suppression of Lateral Encroachment of Ni Silicide into Si Nanowires using Nitrogen Incorporation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630960, author = {小山将央 and 茂森直登 and 新井英朗 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Lateral encroachment of Ni silicide into Si nanowire}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630961, author = {中島一裕 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Interface state density of 3-D structured Si using charge pumping method}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630990, author = {川那子高暢 and 鈴木 拓也 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {An Effective Process for Oxygen Defects Suppression for La-based Oxide Gate Dielectric}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630991, author = {小柳友常 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Flatband Voltage Shift of La-based Gate Oxides with Alkali-earth-elements Incorporation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630992, author = {金田翼 and 幸田みゆき and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Effect of Rare Earth Oxide Capping for La-based Gate Oxides}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630993, author = {マイマイティ マイマイティレャアティ and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 岩井洋}, title = {Remote Coulomb and roughness scatterings in gate oxide scaling}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630995, author = {来山大祐 and 小柳友常 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Process Optimization of Rare-Earth Oxides Gated MOS Devices for Future EOT Scaling}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630997, author = {久保田透 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Spectroscopic analysis of interface state density in high-k/Si structure}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100631002, author = {ダリューシュザデ and 神田高志 and 細井隆司 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Towards High Performance III-V MOSFET, A Study on high-k Gate Stacks on In0.53Ga0.47As}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100631005, author = {竇春萌 and 向井弘樹 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Feasibility study of Ce oxide for resistive RAM application}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100631006, author = {呉研 and 茂森直登 and 佐藤創志 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {Observation of Tunneling FET operation in MOSFET with NiSi/Si Schottky source/channel interface}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100630957, author = {AbudukelimuAbudureheman and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {The Effect of Scattering in Drain Region of Ballistic Channel Diode}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, }