@book{CTT100614096, author = {黒澤実}, title = {実用 精密位置決め技術事典(分担)}, publisher = {(株)産業技術サービスセンター}, year = 2008, } @book{CTT100614097, author = {黒澤実}, title = {薄膜ハンドブック 第2版(分担)}, publisher = {オーム社}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100587054, author = {T. Shigematsu and M. K. Kurosawa}, title = {Friction Drive of an SAW motor Part V: Design Criteri}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100587053, author = {T. Shigematsu and M. K. Kurosawa}, title = {Friction Drive of an SAW motor Part IV: Physics of Contact}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100587052, author = {T. Shigematsu and M. K. Kurosawa}, title = {Friction Drive of an SAW motor Part III: Modeling}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100587050, author = {T. Shigematsu and M. K. Kurosawa}, title = {Friction Drive of an SAW motor Part I: Measurements}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control,}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100587051, author = {T. Shigematsu and M. K. Kurosawa}, title = {Friction Drive of an SAW motor Part II: Analyses}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control,}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100559168, author = {M. K. Kurosawa and T. Shigematsu}, title = {Friction Drive Simulation of Surface Acoustic Wave Motor Characteristics Based on Contact Mechanics}, journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100559167, author = {Shinnosuke Hirata and Minoru Kuribayashi Kurosawa and Takashi Katagiri}, title = {Cross-Correlation by Single-bit Signal Processing for Ultrasonic Distance Measurement}, journal = {IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587088, author = {黒澤実 and 岡野雅樹}, title = {弾性表面波モータの動的特性のモデル化}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601058, author = {M. Ishikawa and T. Fujisawa and S. Yasui and T. Kamo and M. Hirano and T. Yamada and M. Kurosawa and T. Morita and H. Funakubo}, title = {Growth of Epitaxial Potassium Niobate Film on (100)SrRuO3/(100)SrTiO3 by Hydrothermal Method and Their Electromechanical Properties}, booktitle = {Proc. 2008 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587086, author = {T. Hasegawa and M. K. Kurosawa and S. Takeuchi}, title = {Effect of edge mode resonance on directivity of small ultrasound probe fabricated with Lead Zirconate Titanate polycrystalline film deposited by hydrothermal method}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 29th Symp. on Ultrasonic Electronics}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587083, author = {石河睦生 and 宇津木覚 and 藤澤隆志 and 安井伸太郎 and 山田智明 and 黒澤実 and 森田剛 and 舟窪浩}, title = {水熱合成法によるKNbO3エピタキシャル膜の作製と特性評価}, booktitle = {第29回超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587060, author = {K. Sakano and M. K. Kurosawa and T. Shigematsu}, title = {Surface Acoustic Wave Motor with Flat Plane Slider}, booktitle = {Proc. of MHS 2008}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587087, author = {阿隅一将 and 福永了一 and 藤村健 and 黒澤実}, title = {V型超音波モータを用いた高速分解能ステージ}, booktitle = {第29回超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587084, author = {S. Irisawa and A. Endo and M. K. Kurosawa and N. Kawashima and S. Takeuchi}, title = {Efficient of polling process on property of hydrothermally synthesized PZT polycrystalline film}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 29th Symp. on Ultrasonic Electronics}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587085, author = {S. Hirata and M. K. Kurosawa and T. Katagiri}, title = {Accurate distance measurement by pulse compression using linear-period-modulated sigunals and calibration of Doppler shift}, booktitle = {USE2008 The 29th Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587080, author = {瀬戸雄貴 and 川島徳道 and 黒澤実 and 竹内真一}, title = {水熱合成PZT を用いたキャビテーションセンサの小型化に関する基礎検討}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587082, author = {黒澤実 and 重松隆史}, title = {弾性接触モデルによる弾性表面波モータの摩擦駆動解析}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587066, author = {坂野広樹 and 黒澤実 and 重松隆史}, title = {平面スライダを用いた弾性表面波モータに関する研究}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587067, author = {山盛憲一 and 黒澤実 and 重松隆史}, title = {駆動周波数100 MHzの小型弾性表面波モータにおける駆動特性評価}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587068, author = {石河睦生 and 宇津木 覚 and 藤澤隆志 and 黒澤 実 and 森田 剛 and 舟窪 浩}, title = {配向制御したPZT 単結晶厚膜の振動特性に関する検討}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587078, author = {佐藤友治 and 平田慎之介 and 黒澤実 and 片桐崇}, title = {M系列符号を用いた超音波距離計測におけるパルス圧縮の多チャンネル化}, booktitle = {日本音響学会 2008年秋季研究発表会 講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587079, author = {平田慎之介 and 黒澤実 and 片桐崇}, title = {線形周期変調信号を用いたパルス圧縮による超音波距離・速度計測}, booktitle = {日本音響学会 2008年秋季研究発表会 講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587081, author = {入澤信哉 and 遠藤聡人 and 黒澤実 and 川島徳道 and 竹内真一}, title = {水熱合成PZT多結晶膜の高感度化に関する基礎研究— 分極の効果 —}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587059, author = {Shinnosuke Hirata and Minoru Kuribayashi Kurosawa and Takashi Katagiri}, title = {An accurate distance measurement by calibration of Doppler-shift for ultrasonic sonar sensing}, booktitle = {Proc. of Acoustics 08}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587057, author = {M. K. Kurosawa and T. Shigematsu}, title = {Friction Drive Simulation of a SAW Motor with Slider Surface Texture Variation}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf., Smart Materials, Structures and Systems}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587058, author = {M. Okano and M. K. Kurosawa}, title = {Model Based Position Control of Surface Acoustic Wave Motor}, booktitle = {Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on New Actuators, Actuator 08}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100559169, author = {K. Asumi and T. Fujimura and M. K. Kurosawa}, title = {High speed and quick response precise linear stage system using V-shape transducer ultrasonic motors}, booktitle = {Proc.of 10th Anniversary Int. Conf. of the European Soc. for Prec. Eng. and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 08}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587065, author = {平田慎之介 and 黒澤 実 and 片桐 崇}, title = {1ビット信号処理による相互相関処理の計測精度・分解能}, booktitle = {第21回 回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552328, author = {岡野雅樹 and 黒澤実}, title = {モデルに基づく弾性表面波モータの位置制御に関する研究}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552329, author = {笹沼健史 and 黒澤実}, title = {超音波スマートマイクロメスの高振幅化に向けた検討}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552331, author = {入澤信哉 and 遠藤聡人 and 黒澤実 and 川島徳道 and 竹内真一}, title = {水熱合成 PZT を用いた超小型一次元アレイ超音波プローブの研究-8素子駆動によるグループファクターの検討-}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552333, author = {北村佑太 and 黒澤実 and 重松隆史 and 高木秀樹}, title = {自走型弾性表面波モータの実現に向けた検討}, booktitle = {日音講論集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100552334, author = {平田慎之介 and 黒澤実 and 片桐崇}, title = {超音波距離計測実験に基づく1 ビット信号処理による相互相関処理の検討}, booktitle = {日本音響学会 2008年春季研究発表会 講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100587064, author = {新見嘉崇 and 折野裕一郎 and 黒澤実 and 片桐崇}, title = {ΔΣ変調を用いたキャリア変調方式PWM 変換の検討}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100550610, author = {平田慎之介 and 黒澤実 and 片桐崇}, title = {1 ビット信号処理による相互相関処理を用いた超音波距離計測実験}, booktitle = {信学技報}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100550606, author = {黒澤実 and 重松隆史}, title = {弾性接触モデルを用いたSAWモータの動作シミュレーション}, booktitle = {圧電材料・デバイスシンポジウム2008講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @misc{CTT100572777, author = {佐藤正博 and 石上陽平 and 桐ヶ谷昌広 and 澤田和男 and 黒澤実}, title = {弾性表面波アクチュエータ}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2008, month = {Dec.}, note = {特願2007-137139(2007/05/23), 特開2008-294162(2008/12/04)} } @misc{CTT100577202, author = {黒澤実 and 石上陽平 and 桐ヶ谷 昌広 and 佐藤 正博 and 澤田 和男}, title = {弾性表面波モータ}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2011, month = {}, note = {特願2007-510471(2006/03/27), 再表2006-104070(2008/09/04), 特許第4733111号(2011/04/28)} }