@book{CTT100462866, author = {Xin Qian and Tadaharu Ishikawa}, title = {Wind-Induced Current and Water Exchange in Lake Kasumigaura}, publisher = {21th IAHR Congress, Beijing, 2001 }, year = 2001, } @book{CTT100462865, author = {Tadaharu Ishikawa and Yasushi Tsuruta and Shuzo Nishida and Mai Narita}, title = {Salt Water Behavior Near the Exit of Lake Ogawara, in Relation to the Breeding of Corbicula Japonica}, publisher = {21th IAHR Congress, Beijing, 2001 }, year = 2001, } @book{CTT100462864, author = {T. Ishikawa and Y. Tsuruta}, title = {Study on Spatial Differnce of the Growth Rate of Corbicula Japonica in Lake Ogawara from a Hydraulic Standpoint}, publisher = {Proceedings of the 2001International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics,Arizona}, year = 2001, } @book{CTT100462862, author = {M.Umeda and T.Ishikawa &T.Uda}, title = {On the Suspension of Fluid Mud during Storms in Lake Kasumigaira}, publisher = {Proceedings of the 2001International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Arizona}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462827, author = {石川忠晴}, title = {ITにより土木はどう変わるか IT革命の落とし穴}, journal = {土木学会誌}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462828, author = {工藤健太郎 and 鈴木伴征 and 石川忠晴}, title = {鉛直二次元モデルによる相模川感潮域の塩水流動解析}, journal = {水工学論文集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462824, author = {鶴田泰士 and 石川忠晴 and 西田修三 and 成田舞 and 藤原広和}, title = {小川原湖における塩水流入の現地観測}, journal = {水工学論文集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462829, author = {梅田信 and 長峯知徳 and 長廣遙 and 石川忠晴 and 宇多高明}, title = {霞ヶ浦湖心部における底泥の巻き上げ課程に関する研究}, journal = {水工学論文集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462830, author = {上原英之 and 梅田信 and 石川忠晴}, title = {秋田県皆瀬貯水池における濁質堆積特性について}, journal = {土木学会第56回年次学術講演会概要集2-188}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462831, author = {成田舞 and 鶴田泰士 and 石川忠晴}, title = {小川原湖におけるヤマトシジミの繁殖環境について}, journal = {土木学会第56回年次学術講演会概要集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462832, author = {大作和弘 and 鈴木伴征 and 石川忠晴}, title = {利根川感潮域における濁質の挙動とそれに伴う酸素消費}, journal = {土木学会第56回年次学術講演会概要集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462867, author = {石川忠晴}, title = {小川原湖の水理環境とヤマトシジミの繁殖について}, journal = {日本流体力学会 ながれ20巻5号 }, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100462863, author = {By Chris J. Dallimore and Jorg Imberger and Tadaharu Ishikawa}, title = {Entrainment and Turbulence in Saline Underflow in Lake Ogawara}, journal = {Jounal of Hydraulic Engineering,ASCE, November 2001}, year = 2001, }