@book{CTT100758400, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, 飛躍するアセアン-ASPECの動き-}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100758398, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, 美しく清潔なブルネイ・ダルサラーム国}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100758397, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, 産学連携・技術移転を模索するベトナム}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100758394, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, タイに誕生した知財コンサルティング企業IDGの成功モデル}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100758392, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, インドネシア・ガジャマダ大学での集中講義と歴史探訪}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100758391, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, 韓国慶北大学での学会発表と歴史探訪}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100758390, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, インドネシア共和国マルク州アンボン島での巡回セミナー}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100758388, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, 厳格な上座部仏教を堅持するミャンマー}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100737627, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録 初めてのミャンマー訪問:首都ネピドーでのイノベーション講演}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100810781, author = {田中義敏}, title = {技術経営の考え方}, publisher = {一般財団法人 放送大学教育振興会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100737626, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録 ハワイ、パールハーバーの追悼施設「アリゾナ記念館」を訪問}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100737625, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録 エジプト、今なお激動のなかで、人材教育は着実に進展}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100737624, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録 大きく進展するベトナムの知財人材育成事業}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100758382, author = {田中義敏}, title = {MBAのスキームから検討するビジネスと知財戦略}, journal = {知財管理}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100758375, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {How we can define the required skills of Intellectual Property human resource in the future? - Under Intellectual Property Strategies in a Global Age -}, journal = {IT & LAW REVIEW, (Aug, 2017)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100776719, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {How to promote utilization of patent publications for academic research in the field of science and technology}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758405, author = {乾利之 and 田中義敏}, title = {IoTの分散処理化における権利保護に関する一考察}, booktitle = {日本知財学会第15回年次学術研究発表会予稿集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100758415, author = {田中義敏 and 柴田 昌弘 and 勝沼 依久 and 守屋 文彦}, title = {企画セッション【特許庁開発プログラム】グローバルビジネス戦略概論~明日のグローバル知財人材に贈る~}, booktitle = {日本知財学会第15回年次学術研究発表会予稿集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100776722, author = {田中義敏}, title = {飛躍するアジアの知的財産}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100777312, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {How to promote University Industry Collaboration?-Role and achievement of Bay Dole Act-, -Other Important Factors-}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100777358, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {IP Management for Commercialization of the Outcome Researches By Universities and Researches by Universities and Research Institutes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100777359, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {Empowering SMEs through Utilization of IP}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100782926, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {Education of IP and Innovation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100737647, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {How we can define the required skills of IP human resource in the future? - Under Intellectual Property Strategies in a Global Age -}, booktitle = {International Conference IT & Law Research Institute in 2017}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100776856, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {Experience of Japanese Innovation and Core Value}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100788015, author = {田中義敏}, title = {経済発展に考慮した戦略の策定と実行}, year = 2017, }