@book{CTT100819122, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, 日本は持続的イノベーションにさらなる投資を継続していくことが必要}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2020, } @book{CTT100814264, author = {田中義敏}, title = {知財見聞録, 新たな年を迎え、改めて知財教育と知財研究の在り方を考える}, publisher = {一般社団法人発明推進協会}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100819421, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka and Mika Goto and Yuji Tou and Suzuka Yoshida}, title = {Future Visions and Policy Recommendations for ASEAN Member States (AMSs) based on Estimation of Industrial Property Applications}, journal = {ERIA Research Project Report 2018}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100820652, author = {田中義敏}, title = {アセアン地域における知的財産制度研究のニーズ調査及びアセアン知財研究所設立のためのフィーズイビリティースタディー}, journal = {平成31年度産業財産権制度調和に係る共同研究調査事業調査報告書}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100817202, author = {Yoshitoshi Tanaka}, title = {How to integrate IP Management with our business activities? “Core Value & IP for Business Growth” Short messages to young and talented students!}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }