@book{CTT100785543, author = {Ohkubo Akihiro and Okamoto Itaru and Kasuya Rintaro and Sakamoto Kazushi and Sasami Takeshi and Odawara Yoko and Masaki Yoshiaki and Sakaue Toshiyuki and Nagasawa Hiroshi and Tsukahara Toshifumi and Seio Kohji and Sekine Mitsuo}, title = {Protected DNA probes (PDP): A new strategy for gene detection}, publisher = {}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785524, author = {K. Seio and M. Mizuta and K. Tasaki and K. Tamaki and A. Ohkubo and M. Sekine}, title = {Hybridization-dependent fluorescence of oligodeoxynucleotides incorporating new pyrene-modified adenosine residues}, journal = {BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785553, author = {M. Mizuta and J. I. Banba and T. Kanamori and R. Tawarada and A. Ohkubo and M. Sekine and K. Seio}, title = {New nucleotide pairs for stable DNA triplexes stabilized by stacking interaction}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785527, author = {A. Ohkubo and Y. Kuwayama and T. Kudo and H. Tsunoda and K. Seio and M. Sekine}, title = {O-selective condensation using P-N bond cleavage in RNA synthesis without base protection}, journal = {Organic letters}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785526, author = {I. Okamoto and K. Seio and M. Sekine}, title = {Study of the base discrimination ability of DNA and 2 '-O-methylated RNA oligomers containing 2-thiouracil bases towards complementary RNA or DNA strands and their application to single base mismatch detection}, journal = {BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785525, author = {H. Saneyoshi and K. Tamaki and A. Ohkubo and K. Seio and M. Sekine}, title = {Synthesis and hybridization properties of 2 '-O-(tetrazol-5-yl)ethyl-modified oligonucleotides}, journal = {TETRAHEDRON}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785552, author = {A. Ohkubo and R. Kasuya and K. Aoki and A. Kobori and H. Taguchi and K. Seio and M. Sekine}, title = {Efficient synthesis of functionalized oligodeoxyribonucleotides with base-labile groups using a new silyl linker}, journal = {BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785528, author = {A. Ohkubo and R. Kasuya and K. Sakamoto and K. Miyata and H. Taguchi and H. Nagasawa and T. Tsukahara and T. Watanobe and Y. Maki and K. Seio and M. Sekine}, title = {'Protected DNA Probes' capable of strong hybridization without removal of base protecting groups}, journal = {NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785522, author = {K. Taira and S. Nakamura and K. Nakano and D. Maehara and K. Okamoto and S. Arimoto and D. Loakes and L. Worth and R. M. Schaaper and K. Seio and M. Sekine and K. Negishi and T. Negishi}, title = {Binding of MutS protein to oligonucleotides containing a methylated or an ethylated guanine residue, and correlation with mutation frequency}, journal = {MUTATION RESEARCH-FUNDAMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF MUTAGENESIS}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785518, author = {H. Tsunoda and A. Ohkubo and H. Taguchi and K. Seio and M. Sekine}, title = {Synthesis and properties of DNA oligomers containing 2 '-deoxynucleoside N-oxide derivatives}, journal = {JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785519, author = {R. Tawarada and K. Seio and M. Sekine}, title = {Synthesis and properties of oligonucleotides with iodo-substituted aromatic aglycons: Investigation of possible halogen bonding base pairs}, journal = {JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100785523, author = {M. Sumino and A. Ohkubo and H. Taguchi and K. Seio and M. Sekine}, title = {Synthesis and properties of oligodeoxynucleotides containing 5-carboxy-2'-deoxycytidines}, journal = {BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS}, year = 2008, } @misc{CTT100593886, author = {関根光雄 and 清尾康志 and 大窪章寛 and 角田 浩佑 and 工藤 智美}, title = {ヌクレオシドトリホスフェート誘導体}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2009, month = {}, note = {特願2008-057295(2008/03/07), 特開2009-215171(2009/09/24)} } @misc{CTT100592292, author = {清尾康志 and 関根光雄 and 高久 悠介 and 宮崎 一也}, title = {オリゴヌクレオチド誘導体}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2009, month = {}, note = {特願2008-030372(2008/02/12), 特開2009-190983(2009/08/27)} } @misc{CTT100572863, author = {関根光雄 and 実吉 尚郎 and 宮田 健一 and 清尾康志}, title = {新規亜リン酸エステルの酸化方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2008, month = {}, note = {特願2006-312193(2006/10/20), 特開2008-100976(2008/05/01)} } @misc{CTT100577192, author = {関根光雄 and 清尾康志 and 大窪章寛 and 坂本 一石 and 佐々見 武志}, title = {オリゴヌクレオチド誘導体、遺伝子検出用プローブ及びDNAチップ}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2011, month = {}, note = {特願2007-505962(2006/02/28), 再表2006-093157(2008/08/07), 特許第4882074号(2011/12/16)} }