@book{CTT100413856, author = {NAOHIRO YOSHIDA}, title = {Radiocarbon Ages and Environmental Changes Deduced from AMS-┣D114┫D1C/┣D112┫D1C and ┣D118┫D1O/┣D116┫D1O Measurements of Fossil Dear Bones and Teeth Excavated from Aichi Prefecture and the Kanto Plains}, publisher = {愛知県埋蔵文化財センター 「朝日遺跡・自然科学編」}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100413839, author = {NAOHIRO YOSHIDA}, title = {Oxygen Isotope Composition of Natural Phosphates from Volcanic Ash Soils in the Great Rift Valley of Africa and East Java, Indonesia(共著)}, journal = {Geoderma}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100413840, author = {NAOHIRO YOSHIDA}, title = {Potential of Soil and Sediment for the Reduction of N┣D12┫D1O(共著)}, journal = {Soil Physics and Condition of Plant Growth, Japan}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100413857, author = {NAOHIRO YOSHIDA}, title = {The Relationship Between Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition of Mammal Bones and Drink Waters}, journal = {Prehistoric Mongoloid Dispersals}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100413874, author = {NAOHIRO YOSHIDA}, title = {Oxygen Isotope Ratio of Cetacean Bone Phosphate as a Tracer of the Composition of the Sea water}, journal = {Nihonkai Cetology}, year = 1992, } @article{CTT100721015, author = {Mizota, C. and Domon, Y. and Yoshida, N.}, title = {OXYGEN ISOTOPE COMPOSITION OF NATURAL PHOSPHATES FROM VOLCANIC ASH SOILS OF THE GREAT RIFT-VALLEY OF AFRICA AND EAST JAVA, INDONESIA}, journal = {Geoderma}, year = 1992, }