@article{CTT100403946, author = {Hidenori SHINNO and Hayato YOSHIOKA and Sihar MARPAUNG}, title = {A Structured Method for Analysing Product Specification in Product Planning for Machine Tools}, journal = {Journal of Engineering Design}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100390024, author = {Hidenori SHINNO and Hayato YOSHIOKA and Sihar Marpaung and Soichi HACHIGA}, title = {Quantitative SWOT Analysis on Global Competitiveness of Machine Tool Industry}, journal = {Journal of Engineering Design}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100409975, author = {Hayato YOSHIOKA and Simpei MATSUMURA and Hitoshi HASHIZUME and Hidenori SHINNO}, title = {Minimizing Thermal Deformation of Aerostatic Spindle System by Temperature Control of Supply Air}, journal = {JSME International Journal, Series C}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100411586, author = {有馬洋 and 吉岡勇人 and 新野秀憲}, title = {ベルト駆動X-Y精密位置決めテーブルシステム}, booktitle = {日本機械学会第6回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会講演論文集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100411585, author = {後閑利通 and 吉岡勇人 and 新野秀憲}, title = {リニアモータ駆動超音波浮上テーブルシステムの開発}, booktitle = {日本機械学会第6回生産加工・工作機械部門講演会講演論文集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100508271, author = {吉岡勇人 and 平林武洋 and 新野秀憲}, title = {ナノ加工用超精密スピンドルシステムの開発}, booktitle = {第12回国際工作機械技術者会議「工作機械関連のニューテクノロジー」ポスター展}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100506809, author = {吉岡勇人 and 小野幸村 and 新野秀憲}, title = {ナノ加工用XY位置決めテーブルシステム}, booktitle = {第12回国際工作機械技術者会議「工作機械関連のニューテクノロジ」ポスター展}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100409688, author = {H.Yoshioka and K.Taniguchi and H.Shinno}, title = {A Novel Linear Motor Driven Aerostatic Planar Positioning Table System for Nano-Machining}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International conference european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100410264, author = {吉岡勇人 and 新野秀憲}, title = {ナノメートル平面運動テーブルの開発とその性能評価}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100409697, author = {吉岡勇人 and 新野秀憲}, title = {超音波振動を用いた非接触ナノ位置決めテーブルシステム}, year = 2006, }