@article{CTT100849033, author = {Atsuo Katagiri and Mutsuo Uehara and Mao Kurokawa and Kensuke Akiyama and Takao Shimizu and Masaaki Matsushima and Hiroshi Uchida and Yoshisato Kimura and Hiroshi Funakubo}, title = {Composition Dependence of Crystal Structures and Electrical Properties of Ca-Mg-Si Films Prepared by Sputtering}, journal = {Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100821132, author = {Atsuo Katagiri and Shota Ogawa and Takao Shimizu and Masaaki Matsushima and Kensuke Akiyama and Hiroshi Uchida and Hiroshi Funakubo}, title = {Epitaxial growth of Mg2Si films on (111) Si substrates covered with epitaxial SiC layers}, journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100853256, author = {片桐淳生 and 上原睦雄 and 黒川満央 and 秋山賢輔 and 松島正明 and 内田寛 and 木村好里 and 舟窪浩}, title = {Ca- Mg-Si三元系熱電材料におけるSi含有量変化に伴う導電型の制御}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100821816, author = {秋山賢輔 and 高橋亮 and 本泉佑 and 舟窪浩 and 入江寛}, title = {光触媒効果による水分解に向けたルチルTiO2とb-FeSi2との複合粒子合成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }