@article{CTT100901315, author = {Kimura Atsushi and Nakamura Shoji and Endo Shunsuke and Rovira Gerard and Iwamoto Osamu and Iwamoto Nobuyuki and Harada Hideo and Katabuchi Tatsuya and Terada Kazushi and Hori Jun-ichi and Shibahara Yuji and Fujii Toshiyuki}, title = {Neutron total and capture cross-section measurements of Gd-155 and Gd-157 in the thermal energy region with the Li-glass detectors and NaI(TI) spectrometer installed in J-PARC MLF ANNRI}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100901471, author = {Yu Kodama and Tatsuya Katabuchi and Rovira Gerard and Atsushi Kimura and Shoji Nakamura and Shunske Endo and Hideto Nakano and Yaoki Sato and Jun-ichi Hori and Yuji Shibahara and Kazushi Terada}, title = {Measurements of the Neutron Capture Cross Section of Am-243 with the ANNRI beamline, MLF/J-PARC}, booktitle = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100901476, author = {Hideto Nakano and Tatsuya Katabuchi and Kazushi Terada and Atsushi Kimura and Shoji Nakamura and Shunske Endo and Rovira Gerard and Yu Kodama}, title = {Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement and Resonance Analysis of 107Pd Using ANNRI at MLF/J-PARC}, booktitle = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100901478, author = {Rovira Gerard and Atsushi Kimura and Shoji Nakamura and Shunske Endo and Osamu Iwamoto and Nobuyuki Iwamoto and Tatsuya Katabuchi and Yu Kodama and Hideto Nakano and Yaoki Sato and Jun-ichi Hori and Yuji Shibahara and Kazushi Terada}, title = {Neutron Filtering System for Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement at the ANNRI beamline of MLF/J-PARC}, booktitle = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, year = 2023, }