@article{CTT100624724, author = {M. Tahara and H.Y.Kim and H.Hosoda and S.Miyazaki}, title = {Cyclic Deformation Behavior of a Ti-26at.% Nb Alloy}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100624728, author = {Masaki Tahara and H.Y.Kim and T.Inamura and Hosoda and S.Miyazaki}, title = {Effect of Nitrogen Addition on Superelasticity of Ti-Zr-Nb Alloys}, journal = {Materials Transactions}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100624727, author = {Masaki Tahara and H.Y.Kim and H.Hosoda and S.Miyazaki}, title = {Shape memory Effect and Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Ti-Nb-N alloys}, journal = {Functional Materials Letters}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100625310, author = {田原正樹 and 大嶋淳一 and 金熙榮 and 細田秀樹 and 宮崎修一}, title = {侵入型元素の拡散に伴うTi-Nb系合金の形状記憶特性変化}, booktitle = {日本金属学会講演概要}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100625296, author = {三津山 玲司 and 田原正樹 and 金熙榮 and 細田秀樹 and 宮崎修一}, title = {Ti-12Zr-Nb-1Sn-(N,O)合金の変形挙動}, booktitle = {日本金属学会講演概要}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100625307, author = {田原 正樹 and 金 熙榮 and 宮崎 修一}, title = {Ti-Nb系合金の超弾性特性に及ぼす繰返し変形の影響}, booktitle = {茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100625297, author = {大嶋淳一 and 福島達人 and 田原正樹 and 金熙榮 and 細田秀樹 and 宮崎修一}, title = {β型Ti 基形状記憶合金の時効によるω相の析出挙動}, booktitle = {日本金属学会講演概要}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100625306, author = {Hee Young Kim and Masaki Tahara and Hideki Hosoda and Tae-hyun Nam and Shuichi Miyazaki}, title = {Effect of O and N Addition on Superelastic Properties of Ti-Nb Based Alloys}, booktitle = {Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials XVIII (edited by M. Niinomi, M. Morinaga, M. Nakai, N. Bhatnagar, T.S. Srivatsan), 176th Committee on Process Created Materials Function, Japan Society of the Promotion of Science}, year = 2009, }