@article{CTT100785335, author = {木下 貴裕 and 神田 径 and 高倉 伸一 and 関 香織 and 松永 康生 and 木下 雄介 and 相澤 広記}, title = {那須茶臼岳溶岩ドームにおける熱水系の構造の推定}, journal = {CA研究会2017年度論文集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100785438, author = {W. Heise and T. G. Caldwell and E.A. Bertrand and Y. Ogawa and R. Yoshimura and H. Ichihara and S.L Bennie and Z. Saito and K. Seki and Y. Matsunaga and A. Suzuki and Y. Kinoshita and T. Kishita}, title = {Imaging subduction interface coupling using magnetotellurics: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, 2018.12. (invited)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100785423, author = {W. Heise and T. G. Caldwell and E.A. Bertrand and S.L. Bennie and Y. Ogawa and Z. Saito and K. Seki and Y. Matsunaga and A. Suzuki and T. Kishita and Y. Kinoshita and H. Ichihara and R. Yoshimura}, title = {Imaging the transition from weakly to strongly coupled plate interface at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100815413, author = {神田 径 and 関 香織 and 木下 貴裕 and 松永 康生}, title = {熱水系卓越型火山の比抵抗構造}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100815405, author = {木下 貴裕 and 神田 径 and 高倉 伸一 and 関 香織 and 松永 康生 and 木下 雄介 and 相澤 広記}, title = {AMT調査と土壌ガス拡散放出量測定による那須茶臼岳溶岩ドームの熱水系構造の推定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, }