@article{CTT100759996, author = {Danet Hak and Kazuo Nadaoka and Lawrence Patrick Bernardo and Phu Le Vo and V.L. Phu and T.Q. Toan and N.H. Trung and D.V. Ni and V.P.D. Tri}, title = {Spatio-temporal variations of sea level around the Mekong Delta: Their causes and consequences on the coastal environment}, journal = {Hydrological Research Letters}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100759994, author = {Rene A. Abesamis and Brian L. Stockwell and Lawrence P. C. Bernardo and Cesar L. Villanoy and Garry R. Russ}, title = {Predicting reef fish connectivity from biogeographic patterns and larval dispersal modelling to inform the development of marine reserve networks}, journal = {Ecological Indicators}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100734876, author = {中村隆志 and Lawrence P.C. Bernardo and 天野慎也 and 渡邉敦 and Ratino Sith and 向草世香 and 福岡弘紀 and 鈴木豪 and 安田仁奈 and 長井敏 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {オニヒトデ大発生のメカニズム解明および予測のための陸域-海域-生態系統合モデルシステム}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100822744, author = {中村隆志 and Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and 天野慎也 and 渡邉敦 and Ratino Sith and 向草世香 and 福岡 弘紀 and 鈴木豪 and 安田仁奈 and 長井敏 and 灘岡和夫}, title = {オニヒトデ大発生のメカニズム解明および予測のための陸域―海域―生態系統合モデルシステム}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100822747, author = {小島萌々香 and 長井敏 and 鈴木豪 and 福岡弘紀 and 亀田 卓彦 and 中村隆志 and 渡邉敦 and 灘岡和 夫 and 北沢駿介 and Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo and 池原浩太 and 名取竜哉 and 安田仁奈}, title = {石西礁湖における野外オニヒトデ幼生の分布と周辺環境要因}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100708409, author = {Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo and Takashi Nakamura and Atsushi Watanabe and KAZUO NADAOKA}, title = {Numerical simulation of typhoon events in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }