@article{CTT100820597, author = {F. Minato and S. Chiba and K. Hagino}, title = {Fission of heavy Λ hypernuclei with the Skyrme–Hartree–Fock approach}, journal = {Nuclear Physics A}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100820596, author = {Shintaro Hashimoto and Kazuyuki Ogata and Satoshi Chiba and Masanobu Yahiro}, title = {New Approach for Evaluating Incomplete and Complete Fusion Cross Sections with}, journal = {Progress of Theoretical Physics}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100820594, author = {Jeong-Yeon Lee and Insik Hahn and Yeongduk Kim and Seung-Woo Hong and Satoshi Chiba and Efrem Sh. Soukhovitskii}, title = {Optical potentials for nuclear level structures and nucleon interactions data of tin isotopes based on the soft-rotator model}, journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100820577, author = {Osamu IWAMOTO and Tsuneo NAKAGAWA and Naohiko OTUKA and Satoshi CHIBA and Keisuke OKUMURA and Go CHIBA and Takaaki OHSAWA and Kazuyoshi FURUTAKA}, title = {JENDL Actinoid File 2008}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100820595, author = {Satoshi KUNIEDA and Satoshi CHIBA and Keiichi SHIBATA and Akira ICHIHARA and Osamu IWAMOTO and Nobuyuki IWAMOTO and Tokio FUKAHORI and Efrem Sh. SUKHOVITSKIĨ}, title = {Extensive Study of the Soft-Rotator Model Hamiltonian Parameters for Medium and Heavy Even-Even Nuclei}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology}, year = 2009, }