@book{CTT100784768, author = {basudev maity and Satoshi Abe and Takafumi Ueno}, title = {Tailoring Organometallic Complexes into Protein Scaffolds: Structures and Functions}, publisher = {}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100822756, author = {Hajime Mori and Naoki Oda and Satoshi Abe and Takafumi Ueno and Wenliang Zhu and Chris Pernstich and Giuseppe Pezzotti}, title = {Raman spectroscopy insight into Norovirus encapsulation in Bombyx mori cypovirus cubic microcrystals}, journal = {Spectrochim. Acta A}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100786366, author = {Satoshi Abe and Basudev Maity and Takafumi Ueno}, title = {Functionalization of protein crystals with metal ions, complexes, and nanoparticles}, journal = {Current Opinion in Chemical Biology}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100786253, author = {Hiroyasu Tabe and Hikaru Takahashi and Takuya Shimoi and Satoshi Abe and Takafumi Ueno and Yusuke Yamada}, title = {Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution systems constructed in cross-linked porous protein crystals}, journal = {Appl. Catal., B}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100786254, author = {Satoshi Abe and Kohei Atsumi and Keitaro Yamashita and Kunio Hirata and Hajime Mori and Takafumi Ueno}, title = {Structure of in cell protein crystals containing organometallic complexes}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100786249, author = {Hashiru Negishi and Satoshi Abe and Keitaro Yamashita and Kunio Hirata and Kento NIWASE and Marion Boudes and Coulibaly Fasseli and Hajime Mori and Takafumi Ueno}, title = {Supramolecular protein cages constructed from a crystalline protein matrix}, journal = {Chem. Commun.}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786244, author = {Satoshi Abe}, title = {In cell proein crystals containing organometallic Pd complexes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786280, author = {小島摩利子 and 安部聡 and 上野隆史}, title = {多角体融合タンパク質の細胞内結晶化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786293, author = {亀山志織 and LIZhipeng and MAITYBASUDEV and 安部聡 and 上野隆史}, title = {球状タンパク質フェリチンを用いたアミロイドβ核形成反応の動的な追跡}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786290, author = {Tien Khanh Nguyen and Hashiru Negishi and Satoshi Abe and Takafumi Ueno}, title = {Supramolecular Assembly Dynamically Constructed from Protein Crystal}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786282, author = {亀山志織 and LIZhipeng and MAITYBASUDEV and 大木規央 and 朴三用 and 茶谷絵理 and 安部聡 and 上野隆史}, title = {アミロイドβ核形成反応の解明を指向した融合タンパク質ケージの構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786276, author = {安部聡 and 厚見晃平 and 笠松誠 and 上野隆史}, title = {多角体タンパク質の細胞内結晶化と機能創成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786302, author = {Satoshi Abe}, title = {Functional design of protein crystals by in vivo crystal engineering}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786292, author = {Tien Khanh Nguyen and Hashiru Negishi and Satoshi Abe and Takafumi Ueno}, title = {Construction of Tubular Supramolecules from Protein Crystal}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786277, author = {Satoshi Abe and Takafumi Ueno}, title = {In cell protein crystals containing organometallic complexes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786223, author = {菱川 湧輝 and 安部 聡 and 上野 隆史}, title = {機能性分子融合タンパク質針の動的性質}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786278, author = {小島摩利子 and 安部聡 and 上野隆史}, title = {多角体を利用した融合タンパク質の細胞内結晶化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786283, author = {亀山志織 and MAITYBASUDEV and 安部聡 and 上野隆史}, title = {アミロイドβ融合タンパク質ケージの合成とその性質}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786294, author = {Tien Khanh Nguyen and Hashiru Negishi and Satoshi Abe and Takafumi Ueno}, title = {Engineering of Protein Crystal Lattice for Assembly into Biosupramolecules}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786304, author = {安部 聡 and 笠松 誠 and 上野 隆史}, title = {細胞内タンパク質結晶への外来タンパク質の内包と機能解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100786220, author = {菱川 湧輝 and 安部 聡 and  上野 隆史}, title = {人工タンパク質針の長さ制御による機能創成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, }