@article{CTT100666556, author = {中道久美子 and 山形 与志樹 and 瀬谷 創}, title = {東京都市圏の気候変動緩和・適応策の相互作用に関する土地利用シナリオのCO2排出量評価}, journal = {土木学会論文集D3}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100666555, author = {Kumiko Nakamichi and Yoshiki YAMAGATA and Hajime SEYA}, title = {CO2 emissions evaluation considering introduction of EVs and PVs under land-use scenarios for climate change mitigation and adaptation – Focusing on the change of emission factor after the Tohoku Earthquake –}, journal = {Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100666558, author = {Yoshiki YAMAGATA and Hajime SEYA and Kumiko Nakamichi}, title = {Creation of future urban environmental scenarios using a geographically explicit land-use model: A case study of Tokyo}, journal = {Annals of GIS}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100666920, author = {花岡伸也 and 加藤智明 and 中道久美子}, title = {大メコン圏の地域間貨物輸送における環境を考慮した機関分担率の算出}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100678467, author = {Yoshiki YAMAGATA and Hajime SEYA and Kumiko NAKAMICHI}, title = {Geographically explicit IAM for climate compatible urban scenarios: Synergy and trade-off between mitigation and adaptation measures}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100678471, author = {Sachiho A ADACHI and Fujio KIMURA and Hiroyuki KUSAKA and Yoshiki YAMAGATA and Hajime SEYA and Kumiko NAKAMICHI and Toshinori AOYAGI}, title = {Mitigation effects of urban form change on summertime heat island phenomena in Tokyo metropolitan area}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100678468, author = {Kumiko NAKAMICHI and Yoshiki YAMAGATA and Hajime SEYA}, title = {Assessment of CO2 emissions under land-use scenarios considering climate mitigation and flood risk adaptation in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100678469, author = {Hajime SEYA and Yoshiki YAMAGATA and Kumiko NAKAMICHI}, title = {Spatially explicit urban land-use model for managing climate risks}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100678470, author = {Yoshiki YAMAGATA and Hajime SEYA and Kanae MATSUI and Kumiko NAKAMICHI and Yoshiki KINEHARA and Tsuyoshi INOUE}, title = {Integrating climate and disaster risk managements into the urban resilience}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100675503, author = {Kumiko NAKAMICHI and Hajime SEYA and Yoshiki YAMAGATA}, title = {Integrated CO2 emissions evaluation system for climate change mitigation and flood risk adaptation scenarios}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the 13th edition of the International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM2013)}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100666915, author = {中道久美子 and 花岡伸也 and 川原優輝}, title = {自動車製造業の立地を考慮したグローバルサプライチェーンにおけるCO2排出量の推計}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2013, }