@article{CTT100659948, author = {Tomomi Matsui}, title = {The minimum spanning tree problem on a planar graph}, journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100659946, author = {Maiko SHIGENO and Yasufumi SARUWATARI and Tomomi Matsui}, title = {An Algorithm for Fractional Assignment Problems}, journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100659947, author = {Tomomi Matsui and English}, title = {Adjacency on Combinatorial Polyhedra}, journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics}, year = 1995, } @inproceedings{CTT100666492, author = {Yasuko MATSUI and Tomomi Matsui and Takeaki Unoi}, title = {Finding All the s-t Paths in Acyclic Graphs}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Operations Research 1 (ISBN 7-5062-2767-3)}, year = 1995, } @inproceedings{CTT100666493, author = {Tomomi Matsui}, title = {NP-completeness of Non-adjacency Relations on Some 0-1 Polytopes}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Operations Research 1 (ISBN 7-5062-2767-3)}, year = 1995, }